Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Sigh, I’ll do it then.

Yes, there are the two wolves left.

I literally just did

and no, I don’t think it is

i’m asking you to prove it to me because I think insanity is w

My issue is, I’m super bad at analyzing people. So I don’t post anything bc I have nothing meaningful to say

Like, whether I post or not, it won’t help you guys catch the scum bc I can’t read ppl for shiz

Post because we can read you off it

Just because you don’t think it’s meaningful dosent mean it isn’t

Though I know that’s not how you play the game. I just can’t like help

Ask Luxy.

I still have him in my PoE as he literally has 0 reads EoD2.

Your top goal is to not die

Or at least, not get lynched

I still don’t understand PoE

And we need to be able to read you as town for that

Also try to make analysis

I promise you it’s going to be shit

But don’t worry you’ll fit right in

PoE is basically all the players you think can be a wolf


I’m asking Alice to trust my read on yo u

Was writing a post to ping appel and appel is now here pog

i’m lost-ish and luxy isn’t here Im tryna just like not fuck up gamer gaming

I’m trusting you, tbh.

Marshal is a LW confirmed.

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I take comfort that no matter who the wolves are, informed spec chat will talk about how obvious they were and why every ML’d villager was incredibly obvious villager

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We literally have 3 people not playing the game. If PKR/Esq/Insanity flip V and spec chat chews me out for not TR’ing them then they can just go fuck themselves, tbh.

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