Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I don’t think Derps is a wolf at all

It’s a crap shoot. I base this off of tos2399 and in that game Marshal was kinder to some in the public eye, while pushing others. That’s something to look at for sure

i prefer catgirl owo
also sda is that a serious vote or a meme vote if you don’t mind me asking?

Uhh I can’t tell what a scum team looks like so no. I just feel like it’s one of them tbh and then there’s someone else that I’m missing. I can’t see marshal and Whysper being a team. I still can’t describe why I scum read whysper bc I’m sorta basing it off other peoples reads of him/her (which prob isn’t the smartest idea but whateva). Then with marshal I wanna scum read them bc why they still alive? Scum is slackin if he’s town.

In tos2399 the whole scum team pushed me and I was pushing back and it worked

Okay. What do you think about my read on Whysper, then? Is your only basis for scumreading Marshal “he’s still alive so he must be scum ayaya”

Like read tos2399 and then spot the wolves. I bet someone who didn’t know wouldn’t be able to until the end

Where is PKR? I still suspect Marshal, but I am honestly concerned I am tunneling and not looking at any other player here.

Hold please. My breaks over. I shall return to answer this question.

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Also can we all agree to skip night

Can you quote your thing on Whysper?

apologies for the dumb question but i keep hearing about tos2399, can someone give me a summary and tell me why it’s important here?

It’s important to me because that’s how I understand Marshal’s wolf game in my perspective

Me and Marshal were wolves that game and distanced very well and I mean very well

how exactly did he play there if i may ask? does it line up to his behaviour here?

Here you go^^

Yeah, I’ve been skipping night each time, so I can agree with this.

I don’t focus much on the interactions for my gorta read. The convictions and handling of his push on me is omega towny in my eyes. Him hating my wolfclaiming and the way he did it I just thought was villagery.

I could go more in-depth about how he progresses and builds cases but that’s not even the point of this question.

I don’t think the eli interactions are that bad, he wolfleaned eli early, kept wolfleaning him, and voted him at the end.

I don’t think the avoidance is that bad because gorta has been shown to be able to interact with wolfteam members.

Likely wolf
A lot of others have something going for them FMPoV, she doesn’t. EoD1 looks bad because neither her / eli self-pressed, and yes it is like 80% sheeping alice’s read because she said to never let whysper endgame and was extremely confident on it flipping wolf.

I don’t actively love it or hate it. I think whysper is wolf regardless but I also don’t think that the “thread consensus” really is that many people. There are a few people who TL/TR whysper, but myself and like a few others don’t

I wouldn’t say she’s consensus and wolves who look at it from a player perspective rather than a whole thread perspective probably would say that too.

I don’t think anything she has done is unfakeable, even if I do think that the poetry phases have been individually >rand villagery.

Luxy is usually not w/w with whysper but that’s not really a basis of my read. Luxy is high because his lamenting about this game’s play and argument with me comes off as really genuine on both fronts.

Esquiddy is high because if derps is villager she very likely is too, and if derps is wolf I don’t really? think he defends his partner in this way.

not too much changed besides you lowering a liiitle bit. I didn’t actually put trochi in this list so idk my read on her in the post you quoted but yeah.

Chili, birb. What’s your grasp on the discussions here right now? Gorta has already explained this.
You’re still drunk, go home

I think derps is honestly the likeliest hit after whysper if whysper turns out to be villa

i’m heavily considering setting up a quickhammer of sorts for tommorow to get 1 extra yeet

i shall state this beforehand i am nursing a bit of a hangover lmao
first of all i’m glad any discussion is taking place at all. quickhammering = bad i have said this 20 times and will say it 20 more if needed.
but i can’t shake my gut feeling that whysper is town even though i know alice was extremely confident she was w and alice is a far far better player than i.