Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

when i subbed in yesterday i subbed in with exactly two reads from skimming the game

and i was confident in marshal W because i was sure he was powerwolfing

evidently i was wrong

the more i stuck around the wolfier marshal felt

i had time to develop confidence in this read

wolves donā€™t do that on this site
wolves wait for 1-2 villagers to snapvote, because they always do, and then they hammer and win
i know weā€™re in mylo right now, so the situation is slightly different but my point still stands

vulgard if you were sitting around doing nothing iā€™d call you a wolf

i donā€™t think this argument is strong because youā€™re not a bad player

well i forgot that i was supposed to get online before eod and saw marshalā€™s green flip
then a townread of mine was nightkilled

donā€™t get me wrong i appreciate that youā€™re actually trying here

but im not going to read you town off of effort

i donā€™t expect that
now, since iā€™ve already done this myself

what makes derps town over me
absolutely nothing

what makes derps teamed with whysper in your world

why does whysper have to be scum

youā€™re clearly building worlds where itā€™s always whysper + 1
my question is why does it have to be whysper + 1 and not someone else + 1

and another question is why are 2/3 of my villagers not in thread

im nto saying its always whysper+1!

run me through your ideas then


iā€™ll try to lay this out

my read on marshal yesterday was one of my more confident reads in recent games and it was wrong

when i saw that flip i was genuinely distraught and itā€™s making me question the strength of my reads as a player

because the other option was to just sheep a flipped V alice who was tunneling the same person for literal fucking days

and alice is a better player than me

i acknowledged this before i started tunneling marshal

but i went with my read over hers

is she right? is she wrong? i donā€™t know

today we were supposed to resolve this

if whysper was V we could have safely yeeted her today and gone into F5 with either a second pelt or the designated misyeet target dead in lylo

but now weā€™re here

iā€™m trying to convince myself that i can actually read players again

and the voice in my head is telling me ā€œaliceā€

this feels like it sounds like AtE and i donā€™t want it to come off as such

no player is infallible
obviously including myself
last time i sheeped aliceā€™s shotlist in wild west it was all villagers except for 1 person

then again, so was mine, but thatā€™s beside the point

thereā€™s time left in this day

iā€™m not locking in any teams

im trying to feel out people via live interactions right now before i dive back in and face my fears

but go on
i just want to make this clear

i didnā€™t account for the fact that interacting with leafia is difficult and also hard to read into

i also didnā€™t account for timezones making this harder since youā€™re a euro and whysper is in taiwan iirc

but here i am

the fact today is happening the way it is is still extremely frustrating to me but iā€™ve probably said that 100 times so iā€™ll try to stop repeating it

i am unhappy

i have this vision in my head
2 wolves piled on a v
2 villagers piled on a w
and 2 villagers novote
it rands to a v and wolves win
i donā€™t know why

because lolFoL

right now i still want to noyeet today