Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

stepscum help i’m stuck in the poe


literally everybody except for marshal and trochi and me :^)
i dont think anybody else has provided like
any effort to read them, and i don’t blame them because haha not even 24 hours in go brr

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This makes me think Esquiddy isn’t very new. How can he say that Derps is always suspicious?

I know them IRL

They’ve played two games before as well if IIRC

Can promise their new

Oh okay, not completely new, but fairly new like me.

GI turbo time


can you go in depth on this read

why would I do this as town, why would I not do it as wolf, or at the very least, why would I be more likely to do what i’ve fone as villa

So do you think his push on you is just because he knows you the most and is suspicious about you in general?

Yeah probably

it’s mostly because you’re actually putting in effort
anyways i must commit to this GI turbo so answer questions later


can I… not do this as w?

why is effort v indicative

this is not

i repeat not a good way to read marshal

or anyone really (unless they have an explicit meta)

Very good point. The bomb list itself is something a wolf could easily do with no risk to get town cred. But the fact that you pointed out the fallacy in his logic makes you look town. :slight_smile:

Actually I guess I should have called it the safe word list, not the bomb list. Haha. :grinning:

My beginning reasoning was that Marshal didn’t explode in his massive post.

But once I realised it was a safeword keeping, it was more that common words people say in this game had not been put it. It almost didn’t make sense to me.

What was the point in this?

There isn’t enough posts for me to figure out what is right and wrong. Shame.

Words that could’ve blown up cloned:

Y’all literally can’t assume it’s wolf or mislynch.

Look at the words said before Cloned said his words.

I already did.


attempts to jumpstart thread

thread has been quiet for a while, probably just americans asleep

are you avaliable rn to talk to us or do you still want some time

if you can

can you just, like, give thoughts on thread so far?

I don’t have much I want to say

and I don’t want to force conversation

But I think fresh voices can make conversation go yes

if anyone has anything to say
say it plz

i’m bored