Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

no im lazy



Whysper you did well


wait the threadā€™s still locked


im gunna kill datbird

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This game in a nutshell has had 4-5ish contentious points and I would semi like to adress them all

First and second have to deal with how a couple slots handled Whysper as a slot. Our PR didnt shoot them when told by many and shot to them a person they heavily SR while others heavily TR them. Im not saying their shot was in bad faith, as they genuinly felt their beleif. What my whole thing is, let stop with shitting on peoples play. /shoot Jane should not become a meme. Yall have all made mistakes, yall arent perfect. Second lets not shit on how people handled both mylos. They fucked up, just like the PR. ylos/mylos are hard as shit, and if you havent experience one or have you should know the stress thats there. No one or group of people are at fault for town loss. You can point fingers and laugh at others. But that doesnt make you better at mafia, it makes ya worse as your not seeing how you should improve. A lot of people are like Appel was obv wolf why didnā€™t they kill them. 90% of the people who said that didnt feel that way til they clicked the spoiler button. So you cant blame others for not picking it up. I dont care if you feel her EOD4 was obvious, you had TMI

Next up is a double as well: Play the game ya signed up for, if not we have to replace ya. We had 3 replacements this game that were all wotm. And yall can yell at me all u want later, as tbh idgaf it improved the quality of the game. If people didnt post about 7 times per day those wouldnt have happened. Dont sign up for shit ur not interested in, if u dont wanna play replace out. Dont no post and bring nothing to the table. Now i heard three complaints about the replacements, oh you did em to late, i wasnt planning on wolfing against X, and they ruined the game. 1. ya that ones my fault, im lazy i should of done them at the end of day 2, but i just didnt do to just not having time, and when i did, i just didnt care enough. That ones on me. 2. Get over it, they were backups on the list the whole time, if they replaced out normally you would have had to deal with em too. 3. they didnt, the game didnt change as a sudden town victory, or anything. Same thing happened. Wolfs won. It brought life into the game and if u got a problem with that, I cant help ya.

I have a whole nother thing about lhf but tbh i think the people are already trying to improve on that. So yeah please take my words of advice and just be good people with this end of game


this post
is straight FIRE
whysper played good
but it wasnā€™t enough, because of the other town.
sorry whysper


okay i thought kat just openwolfed but what?


this is kind of why i wanted to sleep the entire game fwiw

if it was kat i would be mad
but since itā€™s appel iā€™m just impressed

wp appel

i spent the entire day trying to read vulgard and barely actually read you

Only appel can hard defend a wolf day 4 and not be called out on it

Gg guys

My play this game wasnā€™t very good but

Town :joy_cat:

I feel bad for Whysper there but on the other hand it would have been kind of mrrrr if town had won just because of replacements

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Someone didnā€™t read dats wallposts smh



I did but I wanted to post a meme.

I can like kat posts now.