Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!


Hi Trochi

Hey, sorry for asking this because I didnā€™t follow the game thoroughly to even do any ā€œVCA Appel obvscumā€ stuff and whatnot, but:

Why did F4 not vote no-elim when they couldā€™ve bought more time?

hi jane!

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  1. i was 100% sure vulgard was town, and F4 with a clear is generally not a time you sleep
  2. when i woke up and didnt hammer at L-1, i was basically locktown because i could have just ended the game
  3. weā€™re dumb

If you had put half as much energy into analysing Appel as tormenting Vul, ez town win.


I mean you could have just taken IC status and slept and left a lockclear of yours in f3 with 2 others

it basically gives a 50/50 with 48 hours to talk it out

but iā€™ve harped on u enough for it

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add it to ToL

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But Arete
Thatā€™s only 1 button
Every class needs at least 2



okay but i wasnā€™t fully convinced theyā€™d actually sleep to be fair

especially because i think only vul was there (and appel wouldnā€™t have because :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat:) and vul was pretty fucking confident on appel V which means lockV katze + Vappel = WWhysper

but yes in hindsight this is objectively safer

Prince would like a word with you

day button
night button

Prince has 2 buttons

prince can only click 1 button per phase
therefore he has 1 button

Itā€™s kinda impressive how appel cruises the whole game under no pressure at all.

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every class needs a day button and two night buttons


if Appel was obvscum then why didnā€™t you shoot her?

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hey mole

you have constantly shitted on town for like the past week without even really looking at your own faults

you made a bad shot and constnatly defend it and then act like everybody else is bad for not playing perfectly. It comes off as super hypocritical and abrasive. Please stop or at least change your town in some kind of way. Thank you.


I get the Vulgard and you part, but I donā€™t get why you wouldnā€™t check up on Whysper vs Appel.

(ā€¦said by this hypocrite who planned to tunnel Whysper because Alice flipped town. orz)

iā€™m not going to argue if the shot was good / bad

im not going to argue how obvious it was

iā€™m saying, as a fellow forumer, that your additude looks bad on you and for you and I suggest you try to handle this postgame in a more constructive way

in a more positive light

