Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

luxy can you do me a favor and read whysper’s ISO in SFoL 63.

She was town and i’ll link to her first post for ease as ISO is more difficult with 10,000+ posts.

skim is fine but I want your thoughts

You’re really trying to make me do meta

yes Luxy, I am

I think it’s relevant and I think that a lot of my thoughts are easier voiced with that context

popping in to say that whysper in general has an odd tone and they way they go about things is sometimes odd as well. it’s why i’m so hesistant to try and read them because sometimes they’re just like that
also though, whysper is still fairly new so while mets might not be entirely accurate, it can indeed provide context

Is this backtracking

Yes I admitted I was wrong

Lockscum town never admit their wrong



We got em

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Also upon usage of brain

The pushes are gross

But also

Do scum make them

Probably not?

/Vote mole

So what you’re saying is she just has a really awkward tone all the time?

Counterpoint is that was her first game ever right and did you see how she played in Wild West?

She seemed out of her depth at the start of Wild West, whereas in SFoL 63 she still got right into attempting to sort people’s alignments whereas here, shes spent her time throwing doubt on townreads and not really sorting alignments at all

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Again from the quickest skim ever of FoL 30 she basically got right into sorting players which she hasn’t done here

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yeah basically

now I ask you

how many of these do you think still apply?

Meh these three are still valid I guess she always feels performative

God coming back to this is so frustrating it seems like all the typically scummy things are now things people just do as town like wtf.

Always has been


I don’t like luxy still
I think the pushes are in bad faith but he did something similar (ish) to leafia so i’m not gonna haaarrrrd tunnel this


(and for the record, my read on whysper is still null. my intent was not to change luxy’s read but rather drill into it’s logic)

@Marshal I still think her reason for doubting townreads is bad/a lie but I’m willing to hold off and see more from her

I don’t think the pushes are good

But like

I don’t think a wolf makes them here?

I maintain that my Leafia read was good

Without whysper meta and maybe reading her posts on esquid more closely than others I could see it.

I still think his “wazza disagrees with me is >rand wolf” is total BS so he’s still a scumlean

but i’ll wait for other thread opinions