Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I attacked your logic, never said she was town. I even said for Mole to kill her, he just did not.

I mean the simple response to this is youā€™re defending yourself via self-meta alone.

But also PoE was also incredibly tight early into this game and youā€™d feel pressure on yourself to stop as many townclears as possible as the box tightened around yourself. Just because itā€™s a somewhat bad play as a wolf doesnā€™t mean you wouldnā€™t make it in desperate circumstances

Not to mention you explained yourself after you were called out for such behaviour, so you were put on the spot for reasoning, and I called your reasoning as bad

@Luxy try to stay alive, so calm the posts.

Case B: Disputing Alice

Alice made this statement about Esquiddy that he should be town-leaned for questioning why I town-leaned Derps.

I followed up with a comment that I didnā€™t think such a question was AI.

Alice contends that my comment is an attempt to negate her town read.


In the T!Whysper world, I am saying that it is just what it is. Iā€™ve seen people comment on othersā€™ reasoning to say whether it makes sense or not. I was simply learning from this and trying to help by indicating that this itself seemed NAI. I wasnā€™t saying that Esquiddy couldnā€™t be town for other reasons. Just that this reasoning was flawed, which Appel agreed with.

I thought another person agreed as well, but Iā€™m having trouble finding the quote. But really that doesnā€™t matter as far as my belief that it was NAI and I was commenting.


In the W!Whysper world, they would have people believe that I thought it wise to question Alice and incur her backlash. Again, that somehow drawing attention by going against Alice would be helpful in some way. Does this even make sense?


Which is the bigger leap? To assume that I was simply T!Whysper trying to help and point out that there is a flaw in reasoning? Or that Iā€™m W!Whysper who would be bold enough to confront Alice by questioning her reads and therefore draw her attention to myself?

I have a feeling I know what the word is, one sec

Yeah I think I know what it is, no one has said it today and its a fairly obvious choice given a red flip

I guess try to hint the word and see if Whysper is willing to take it?

I could also do that if it means PoE is tighten down.

Vooooooottttttteeee couuuntttttt

Accused Voted By Votes
Whysper Marshal, Alice, Insanity, Luxy 4/7
Surge PKR 1/7
Not voting Whysper, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, Surge, SirDerpsAlot, Esquiddy, Trochilidae, Appelsiini 8

sulit the vc bot

Case C: Esquiddy Questioning

I asked Esquiddy a series of questions early in the thread.


In the T!Whysper world, I was confused about whether Esquiddy was completely new or had some experience, so I pursued a line of questioning. I was especially concerned that he quickly voted for Derps with no reasoning, which seemed odd if he was completely new.

Through my line of questioning, it was revealed that Esquiddy knows Derps IRL and had previously played or spectated a couple games. So he wasnā€™t completely new, but relatively new. And his vote on Derps was due to him really only knowing him in the game and always thinking Derps is scummy.


In the W!Whysper world, Alice and Luxy would have you believe that I asked these questions with the purpose of throwing shade on Esquiddy. Or just to look like I was solving.


I can only suggest that you read through the questioning and see whether this appears to be T!Whysper with legitimate questions or W!Whysper with an agenda to shade Esquiddy. Marshal summarized things fairly well in a post.

I feel like I now know what the trigger word is for today :eyes:

Actually, no, PKR has already said it @_@

@Whysper this stuff is easy to fake. The top way to get yourself out of PoE is to die via bomb, or find wolves. Also my post was pressuring Luxyā€™s logic, not a defense of you, do not use it that way.

What are your current scum read?

Is it in post #1456?

No, DatBird has said if youā€™re using a dictionary etc to try and blow yourself up the boom will not blow, so technically no one has said it


@Whysper can you use the word defined as [expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly] in a sentence?

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Give us your reads first though

Okay hold on. I had a phone call to finish so catching back up. What letter does it start with?