Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I started an iso then got bored

But their posting d1 seemed pretty pure to me


Since youā€™re here Iā€™d like for you to case your top 3 SRs.

Actually I did care and made a few posts trying to examine the cases that were made against me that were used to put me in the PoE. These were pretty much ignored. Then I did make a couple more posts complaining about the way the town leaders are handling the situation. After that, as I mentioned before leaving, I had to catch up on work the rest of the day, so I didnā€™t get around to any other posts after that.

Okay, I will do so after I get through the rest of these posts and then review a few people.

Donā€™t ask for something you can do yourself.
You scummy bum bum.

Bun bun bun Gun.

Her Top SRā€™s are in that post in case you couldnā€™t tell.

I wasnā€™t talking about you

She might TR you Alice.
But not me. I know better.

I never make Reads has RNG.
Well not true, I did once as Town Vengeful for lols because I was Vengeful.

Town won that game and I wasnā€™t even dead.

Hush. I actually want to see an answer from her.

My reads are tonal reads.
Because those types are the most accurate by testing.

You honestly going to tell me you did that as some sort of bait and see if she would slip up from her previous reads?

Oh okay. I thought it was in response to Marshal mentioning me.

Okay, here are the lowest 3 players on my reads. Pretty much still the same.

I think some people were starting to SL Gorta, but I reviewed him and still think heā€™s TL.


Luxy - I canā€™t decide if this push is wolf or unreasonable town, so stuck in null. Also noticing heā€™s been dropping down in posting. And actually he hasnā€™t seemed to do much this game other than try to lynch me. Maybe a few one-liners asking about reads.

Scum Lean

Esquiddy - has pretty much dropped off from doing anything and seems to be giving up. He did make a couple replies agreeing that he hasnā€™t done much. The post itself seemed slightly V, but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s enough to move him out of SL.

PokemonKidRyan - my earlier read was null to possibly SL for the weird discussion on the word ā€œwolfā€ that he claims was RT. Something just seems off, so possibly SL. Still havenā€™t seen anything since then to move this up.

So basically at this point my vote would be for PKR among the 3 as most likely scum.

/vote PKR

Why didnā€™t Eli vote the whysper counterwagon yesterday despite being online eod


Is your main point against them that they seem to be bussing?

I think Iā€™d still TL Gorta. I have been TR/TLing Tro, but I think thatā€™s mainly because I assume her tone seems the same as other town games. But now Iā€™m sort of wondering if she was just sliding UTR with those posts. Was there anything else particular on Tro that you found wolfish?