Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Why don’t you join PKR.

why is this relevant

Tro and Alice.

Trust Marshal and Appel
No never trust Alice or Tro.

I think this actually makes Marshal look better being that I’d think he’d probably just not set a bomb as he’d know we’d just use it on the PoE.

Because it very much seems like a bomb hasn’t been set

And Alice’s suspected scumteam is Whysper/Insanity no?

If that is the exact scumteam I do not see a bomb not being planted in any world

so you have? i’ll take that as a yes. can i ask your opinion on why i was so keen to die then?
also, surge is definitely town here.
there was a bomb though luxy?

wazza exploded on it

so wazza just evaporated?

(I’m assuming you haven’t seen his death and this is some sort of revelation but that was funnier to say)

People bad at game

Def eh?

did you forget the bomb exploded as well?


It’s foe you own good.

My brain is cooked

But I hadn’t read Wazza’s death anyway so

I mean, the bomb for wolves to use it is EV-.

We’re just using it to clear the PoE and if it doesn’t explode then we’ll think that the bomb is still there and the conversation for the whole day will be stifled.


Alice, Self vote and AtE.

Seth if you provide reasoning we can have a serious discussion but

Thunderdome Whysepr RIGHT NOW!!! Or you are LockScum.

is not going
convince me

I’m fairly thankful that I’ve been taking anger management.