Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I uh also don’t like Eli and Mole so far

like 3 or something

Okay ur newer than I thought so not as bad of an answer but I still don’t like it

i should probably rephrase “experience” to “i don’t like to metaread”

They can not change it until it is set off, so this list is good until it is set off.

You should still have no problem listing people you can’t read, especially with little experience.

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he wanted 3 people
unfortunently, if what you’re saying is i have a lot more,
that means: it would make it hard to filter through the people who are hardest.


Please use only words from this safe list. If you think I’m being cringe, then so be it, but it is a very good idea for us and not that hard!

I am going to play games, but please heed my words.

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Please use only words from this safe list. If you think I’m being cringe, then so be it, but it is a very good idea for us and not that hard!

I am going to play games, but please heed my words.


i’ll do my best to filter through it every time i speak.

Meh, if I die I die

I don’t have time to do that

I will probably end up using words from that list, but I won’t base my posts around them

Wouldn’t town get more info if we didn’t adhere to the list and waited until one of us died then cross checked thier response with the list to compile a new list of potential bomb triggers?

I’m not reading that wordslist to get words.

But thanks for the help.

If the bomb is the cause of death, it is due to this laziness from all of you.

you expect us to read 565 words and memorize it.

Sorry for the delay, but Something has happened!

Drum Roll....

You guys get a vc

Just Kidding, here's a flip from post quoted


Voted Votee Votes
PKR Alice 1/9
Moleland Jane 1/9
Marshal Marshal, Derps 2/9
SirDerps Esquiddy 1/9
Troc Troc 1/9

Got ya


I expected that when you replied to yourself.

Either way, I really feel like they didn’t put a word in. Either intentionally or unintentionally.