Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

define later

is there anything stopping you?

or do you just not want to

probably between now and EoD

technically nothing is stopping me

i am lazy

Iā€™d like you to respond within 30 minutes please

as early as possible is appreciated

it doesnt seem hard iā€™m not looking for an 8-part series on why iā€™m wrong I just want your thoughts

the ā€œdoing nothingā€ part will be addressed later

i will be a beacon of villagery energy by the end of day


but rome wasnā€™t built in a day so you get to wait

you present a fair criticism

that iā€™m all bark and no bite


patience is a virtue, and patience will be rewarded

I ask for sayā€¦ 10 hours

actually this site is too scared of reading me i donā€™t think iā€™ll ever be seen as a beacon of villagery energy on this site unless i reveal as an innocent child and even then

i will do things


will be did

unless i lose all motivation to do things

given EoD will be while im asleep this is more likely than iā€™d like for it to be but i think things will still be done

written: June 2nd, 2020, 03:47 PM



im gonna say yes and then close this tab and come back when youā€™re done with this

so yes

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Ok so basically

I subbed into a mafiauniverse game called Modified Cop13ā€™er. I was lost wolf, but thatā€™s not relevant to my argument as my posts were wolf-motivated.

I thought I could get townread by lamist-ly talking about how I would be obvious town and how I wanted to be n1 SPKd. I didnā€™t make many read but pretended I would.

Iā€™ll quote some posts I made there


depending on if the cop and their n0 is in or out of that group, thatā€™s 4-6 town found easily

only 7-9 people even left

You will know that iā€™m villager by the end of the day

I will grant a beautiful case on each of the other 3 as well, which will solicit tears from itā€™s beauty and force you to agree.

iā€™ve already granted about a 50% chance of lynching a wolf d1

you are welcome

I donā€™t really care about this whole slip thing


it gives me a foothold in thread and will allow me to segue into the 3 wallposts I will make which will be the most powerful words written in Forum Mafia history

and every post I make is proof of my alignment and so by the time they are written I will have unequivocally proven the alignments of 4 villagers and will solve from there
cases may or may not come after I do work for my permit

I don't really care about this whole slip thing


it gives me a foothold in thread and will allow me to segue into the 3 wallposts I will make which will be the most powerful words written in Forum Mafia history

and every post I make is proof of my alignment and so by the time they are written I will have unequivocally proven the of 4 villagers and will solve from thereā‰ˆ

you will see soon enough
I have to do my drivers ed stuff first before any of that

but it is simply an excuse for giving me the time to emotionally prepare for the words I am about to write

people should figure out that iā€™m not wolf soon enough and from there realize that my reads cannot and are not tainted, only possibly influenced by the chance that I am cop

Iā€™m doing this grandiose stream of uber-lamistity because I want to break my streak of offsite mislynches

I can say things iā€™ve done and have been doing that are trying to grab towncred and yet you all will still understand I am town

The above sentence was an attempt at grabbing towncred

and saying that is also an attempt to grab towncred

I could go on infinitely, and have the most conceivable towncred a man could possibly have, but that is no fun

and saying that is, yes, an attempt for towncred

I am not good at forum mafia at villager at least

my reads arenā€™t generally good, and usually itā€™s my gut that can identify 3-4 town and then fail me the rest of the game

so I will, and am, doing the 1 thing I know best, which is showing my alignment through my posts

the reason I so often get mislynched outside of FoL is because I play so uncomfortably, and am comfortable in FoL so Iā€™ve never been mislynched in what has to be 30+ villager games

so I am using the full force of my personality to ensure that does not happen

this will be my last post of this type, because I have to do work and It helps nobody but myself

I will instead more subtly insist that I am town and probably eat the n1 nightkill, happy to do so, because it will mean I turned a 0-poster slot into the biggest threat to the mafia there is.


iā€™m off for real

It is my primary goal to get SPKā€™d

vote me for death 2020

you are hard to read

and iā€™m doing a wall on my townreads/core first

as for why?

I just wanna do well this game I guess. Power-village this, use my strengths to the best of my ability so that I can actually be a good FM player

maybe even get killed n1

that is my dream

you present a fair criticism

that iā€™m all bark and no bite


patience is a virtue, and patience will be rewarded

I ask for sayā€¦ 10 hours

also my LAMIST $%#!posting apparently canā€™t get me locktowned here

unfortunate that it sticks me in wolfleans when my entire plan was to powervillage this and force wolves to kill me n1 as I was town and they realize that the 2 wolves they know exist are not in my towncore

I guess iā€™ll have to take a more rational approach, iā€™m down, just slightly dissapointed at the turn this took and the fall of the grand Marshal

this honestly happens far too often

I stopped after getting haaard called out on my bullshit. The postā€¦ well it might be familiar to you if youā€™ve read, like, 10 posts up.

These are your only two posts of consequence. The rest are just just blowing smoke.

Your read, when reduced to shorter lengths, is that you largely believe theyā€™re genuine in their meta read and that you agree with their approach. The issue there, though, is that an approach is just that: hownyou choose to play the game.

The points you make are largely nai, so even if theyā€™re correct, itā€™s surely for the wrong reasons.

You could all them a villager for them pushing haze for meta read and then walking it back when they realized the alignment of haze was actually flipped. Would a wolf make this mistake? Maybe, but this argument certainly holds more weight than the airballs that are your paragraphs detailing benignities.

Further, as youā€™ve said, your reads are consensus and basic. Theyā€™re easy. Anyone in this game could make them.

It seems you made 3 reads in the first 265~ posts. We are on ~388 and I am seeing nothing different, nothing new. You have interactions with derps and Michelle, but no real reads made on them.

You have 0 wolves being presented.

You say you want to be SPKd, but claim to be bad. You claim you want to present a firm villa core, but waste your time blowing yourself up.

You present these conflicting ideas which further conflict with your actions. I can only conclude that you are a wolf.

my response?

you present a fair criticism

that iā€™m all bark and no bite


patience is a virtue, and patience will be rewarded

I ask for sayā€¦ 10 hours

now you have some contextā€¦ letā€™s do some side by side comparisons.

Me, in a wolfgame:

I will instead more subtly insist that I am town and probably eat the n1 nightkill, happy to do so, because it will mean I turned a 0-poster slot into the biggest threat to the mafia there is.


next up

me, in that wolfgame:

once i've presented my towncore, i'll get to work refining the other slots

But I want to at least form a nice villager core before wolves lynch me out of fear or kill me out of fear


anotha one

me, in said wolfgame:

It is my primary goal to get SPKā€™d

vote me for death 2020


and finally, remember the wall calling me out I posted and my response to it? Well here is katā€™s response and mine, side by side:

you present a fair criticism

that iā€™m all bark and no bite


patience is a virtue, and patience will be rewarded

I ask for sayā€¦ 10 hours

If I have not formed a solid towncore with even more solid reasons by then, and near-unequivocally proven my alignment in doing so, then feel free to remove me from the game

Iā€™ll admit iā€™ve been a little sidetracked and fluffy, may be a culture clash (on my homesite we will have games often reach 10000+ posts) but trust me

when iā€™m focused, you will see

Maybe iā€™ll even find a wolf or two. Towncores are more my strength however, and iā€™ve never particularly excelled at signaling out individual wolves.

I could go on but
I think iā€™ve said enough

this type of lamist is wolf-motivated, I know from firsthand experience

thereā€™s more that iā€™ve realized, mostly the fact that kat has performatively talked about making and doing ISOs than acutally doing them and giving reads to the thread,


kat is talking about being SPKā€™d n1 and being obvious town in a performative way while not actually doing anything to hurt the wolves, the only way they are ā€œobvious townā€-ing themselves is by repeatedly talking about it. Kat has talked about doing ISOs more than actually doing them, and has done nothing else of worth or note.

Iā€™m not saying kat is scum for doing the same schtick I did in a wolfgame. Iā€™m saying I think kat is probably wolf for what they say and their intentions not lining up, being perfomrative and lamisty in a wolfy way, and I could specifically identify it because itā€™s exactly what happened to me




kat has become my new most confident wolfread

I donā€™t like being wrong but itā€™s possible I was


/vote katze


this is approximately what i wanted

so you are claiming it was all a RT to specifically get this?




lay out exactly what was and wasnā€™t motivated as a test, asap, please

Why are you pinging me at 3 in the morning mate

saying it was all me RTing would be a lie

because i do fully intend on doing shit later

however, the general LAMIST shit was mostly exaggerated because i wanted to experiment a way of finding villagers

what was the logic?

what did you find?

where did you soft it?

This is what Iā€™ve been continuing to try to point out. The stuff that Alice felt was against me started with such little things such as me disputing her reasoning for TRing Esq based on a question that should be NAI. I wasnā€™t even saying necessarily that the TR was wrong, but just that the particular reasoning was flawed. This seemed to start her whole line of thinking Iā€™m negating TRs left and right.

Then there was just my suggestion to keep an open-mind throughout the game. I still totally stand by this stance for approaching the game. But apparently this was also construed as negating TRs and promoting an early deep wolf hunt.

Since then, everything Iā€™ve said or done has been viewed by her as wolfish without giving it thought.

Iā€™ll continue going through these new posts this morning and try to reply as much as I can.

Anyway I think there is a good chance of Marshal being a wolf just for the way he defended himself against gorta.

He felt super firey and heated as if a newer player like gorta scumreading him was a insult

Ngl feel like t!marshal would be more cool and try and help gorta realise he is wrong

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