Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

ironically ive been tinfoiling that marshal is town but at this point i think ive been too confident in this read to drop it entirely

id rather you not put him at L-1 yet

probably a good idea tbh we still have time

i know theres only 13m left but i want to talk to vulgard if he shows up

my play has absolutely been shit in at least some way so itā€™s deserved


please at least listen to what iā€™ve said instead of lylo snapvoting

I think derps / whysper crossing almost certainly garuntees a wolf in the thunderdome but is not lockvotes anyways

plus yā€™know

marshal can maybe leave a legacy that isnt ā€œim being MLed :(ā€


Accused Voted by Votes
Marshal Whysper, Derps, Vulgard 3/5
Whysper Katze 1/5
Derps Marshal 1/5
Not voting Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel 4

Lemme know if i hecked up

Day ends 2020-09-13T16:45:00Z unless majority is reached earlier.

i almost donā€™t hate yeeting whysper here

i donā€™t think ive seen alice that confident on a read like ever

if you end up flipping and being green i will

like i said, i wouldnā€™t hate any of whysper/sda/marshal being the yeet for today

I have literally laid out exactly why I think itā€™s SirDerpsAlot by PoE >:(

imma ask you to CFD derps

I want to live, no matter wha I will do everything I can to absorb the bomb, and I just donā€™t


i am fine with this, imo if we get all three of you out that should contain all wolves?
@Appelsiini get in here iā€™d love to hear your thoughts please

for science reasons iā€™d rather not CFD derps today

thereā€™s a 75% chance itā€™d result in me dying tonight

iā€™m not certain all contain wolves

iā€™m not even 100% on derps

but if itā€™s not vul / trochi / appel / gorta / vul

its super likely to be him

and if iā€™m wrong somewhere

then we almost def lose but I will do eeeeeeevrything i can to die to bomb

legit 400 post

i was expecting more people to be here

fuck off with your science reasons tell us why, right now, or you are full of shit

apparently trying to die via bomb is scummy to you