Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Marshal says he can’t read me either


if i ignore the fact he still sucks at reading me he seems to think you have wolf equity


I’m pretty sure he said he can’t read me during this game
And many others

Anyways breaks over gotta blast


Side note

How tf you find these quotes so fucking fast


step 1. vaguely remember said quotes exist
step 2. learn how to use search function better

step 3. check #quotes-to-push-agenda in scumchat

Okay, I’m here now. At this point, I think it is Derps and Kat-Esq, though I could see the possibility of Derps and someone else. I think Derps should be the 1st one lynched.

I could definitely see Derps doing the Surge NK as a joke since now it obviously wasn’t Marshal doing it for Alice paranoia. And I could see Derps pushing his girlfriend Esq to return D2 EoD just to get in a vote against me and get enough posts to stay in the game at least another day. Then return right away D3 SoD to vote for me again.

Appel definitely seems like town and I’d like to think she defended me against Alice because she knew the arguments were way overblown. But I suddenly had this tiny, tiny suspicion that she had TMI and was defending me since I was a likely lynch and me flipping V would make her look even better.

Either way, I think Derps would be the way to go today.

/vote Derps @DatBird @Chloe

Accused Voted by Votes
No Elimination Katze 1/4
Derps Whysper 1/4
Not voting Leafia, Appelsiini, Vulgard, SirDerpsAlot 4

Day ends 2020-09-16T16:50:00Z

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its mylo

we’re not yeeting today

i will not accept any alternatives at the moment

Okay, I still get confused by the mylo/lylo stuff. I guess I don’t understand how waiting for another town to get killed overnight helps us? Yes, it reduces the pool, but the wolves would pick the least suspicious person, which is probably Appel.

is appel 100% clear


scum kill somebody, and then we no longer have to tinfoil them at all

there is nobody im confident enough to 100% lockclear

BTW, are mylo and lylo the same thing, just from different point of view? Like mylo for wolf and lylo for town? Or is mylo a step before lylo? I see people sometimes use one term and sometimes another.

mylo means we can no yeet and the game won’t end, the game will only end if you yeet town that day

lylo mean you must yeet a wolf that day

with 6 alive, there is 2 wolves, so it’s 4v2

if we sleep today, tomorrow will be 3v2 after the nightkill (which is lylo, since if we sleep there it’d be 2v2 and scum have parity)

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Ahhhh, okay. I see the distinction now. Thanks. I tried figuring that out from reading on other sites and was still confused.

generally at mylo you’ll sleep unless you have a clear (since the clear is 100% going to die during the night)

but we don’t have any clears

i don’t know who will be nightkilled

i can only speculate

the reason im annoyed is because today wouldn’t have been mylo without the bomb

but meh

here we are

Yeah I wish Gorta had been more careful, but I guess it’s already done.

So sometimes there is no mylo in a game. Depends on how the numbers work out. And I suppose with games like this where there’s no way to mech confirm someone, there’s never 100% clear.