Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

also this post is still really weird? and you never explained it?

because you wonā€™t believe me and i need you to believe me to win this game
itā€™s that simple
i have cased whysper
i have cased your slot
i have cased appel
i have cased everyone over and over again with multiple pairings
the workload is already done and thatā€™s why the only thing iā€™m doing here is pushing whysper
the last thing i could do is check eli interactions / treatment, but thatā€™s about it

i donā€™t see the point in thinking too hard about a f3 with you and appel, because i want to win today. and then, itā€™s not going to happen.

if such a final 3 does happenā€¦ do you really think i can tell you in advance how i am going to vote? i will have to read both of you literally from scratch, somehow. i donā€™t know what is going to happen.

you have absolutely unreasonable expectations from my slot, and this bullshit method of reading my posts as ā€œwritten by a villagerā€ is clouding your judgment. open your eyes. look at the game. whysper is howling in her sleep right now because sheā€™s being overlooked.

and then i changed my mind.
i am allowed to change my mind.
i literally changed my mind exactly last eod and you didnā€™t find it wolfy. you even voted with me.

youā€™re not even consistent within your own reasoning

because i agreed with derps being a wolf

i suppose i didnā€™t.
when i wrote it, i thought we had 5 players alive because i think the op wasnā€™t updated yet.

at least you said it earlier

anyway im done

this was fun

iā€™ll let you figure out if the read on you is real or not

itā€™s not fun because youā€™re stubbornly clinging to that ā€œvillager metricā€ which i consider bullshit because of what itā€™s doing to your perception this game

oh fuck off with that we are in MYLO
stop being cryptic for once

with that said iā€™d like to speak to :tangerine:

for reasons

what is the point of faking reads on me in final 4
itā€™s not like youā€™re the decider in f3 or anything


thatā€™s too easy

why would i make things obvious during the most important phase of the game when i can be a bitch?


oh and by the way
the most important independently towny thing from you is that you are constantly aggravating me for whatever reason despite your easiest path to victory as a wolf being a pocket / an alliance

donā€™t i pocket people quite often as a wolf

why isnā€™t this a pocket attempt

how is this a pocket attempt when the only thing youā€™ve been doing for the last 2 days was just testing my patience and limits

itā€™s working, isnā€™t it?

iā€™ve posted so many times because youā€™ve been forcing me to deal with your bullshit and itā€™s so agonizing

like right now

if anyone doesnā€™t see me as village here then i seriously think you havenā€™t been reading the game at all

this is the villageriest mylo in my entire history as a mafia player where i wasnā€™t mechanically confirmed

id imagine you donā€™t live to too many mylos

also would argue you were townier in the pokemon game