Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

i don’t see myself voting anywhere else today unless whysper posts something extremely towny

and i don’t want to sleep because i don’t have enough confidence that f3 will end with whysper dying

Yes. I’m home now, so I have to clean and take care of the dogs but I will be a lot more active during this day

…I don’t expect Whysper to self hammer and I’m not going to place my vote anytime soon, so I won’t yell at you to unvote, but I want to discuss both Whysper and Kat with you. Later.

i’m keeping my vote there and not unvoting but obviously i’ll be open to discussion

WOLF! WOLF!!! wolfwolfwoflwfowflwofwfowl

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Accused Voted by Votes
Whysper Vulgard 1/3
Not voting Whysper, Katze, Appelsiini 3

Day ends 2020-09-19T16:55:00Z

i think whysper knows she’s lost the game but you can keep analyzing and/or pushing me to interact or something

she knows that if she’s v we lose the game if i push her successfully
she should be trying to townclear herself here, bridle, maybe get angry at me for relentlessly pursuing her since yesterday
none of that has happened
all she’s been doing was meekly pushing kat based on a preestablished read, without much else of note

help Vulgard is being funny

should i listen to my brain, my soul, or my gut

or my vibe

or any other part of my body that would be an applicable answer here

At this point, I am depressed about the likely outcome, but still trying to hold out hope. I won’t give up. I’m not going to self-hammer.

Townclear myself? How is that suppose to happen at this point? I feel like I’m talking with a brick wall with you now. Everytime I try to explain the flaw in one of your points for thinking Derps/Esq isn’t a possible pairing, you still fall back on stuff such as Alice’s final read and wish. I feel like I’m competing with ghosts. For you, all you have to do is say you went along with Alice’s read or the general consensus and so you have no blame. Or you can just go back to blaming Moleland for not doing what he should have.

As for me? Oh, how I wish I was actually a wolf now because then I’ve already won. Even if I end up dying and losing the actual game, I would still have the victory of surviving this long when I was death tunneled since D1. I’ve survived Alice, Marshal, and Luxy. So I could still feel good about all that and might even be praised for my gameplay.

But no, I’m town and this game doesn’t end for me even when the final hammer comes down on me. I have the spec/dead chat to look forward to. I can just imagine Alice’s words for me after she died and found out I was town. Oh God. And then Marshal. Probably not quite as bad, but still. I’m sure there was another round of talk.

Yeah, maybe I can just ignore reading all that. I may need to wait a day or so before I feel comfortable with it. But I’ve told myself that I can’t completely ignore it.

Though I’ve already planned to take a bit of a break from the games. I had really wanted to try out that Harry Potter game next, but I don’t think I can handle it quite yet. I need to take some time away, maybe find more time to analyze my games so far. Maybe go ask people some questions.

Anyway, this is already longer than I wanted. If you are around later, I’ll try to find time today to talk some more.

BTW, I’m actually no longer 100% sure on Kat, but she’s still the highest chance. I would say 10% you, 30% Appel, 60% Kat.

Vulgard, I reread this and want to clarify. I’m not blaming you entirely or even mostly. I realize that you also have legitimate reasons based on the logic that others use in this game like low post counts and low solving ability and such. So a bunch of the blame still falls on me regardless for not playing well. I know that. But I’m lost on how to improve in the immediate future. For this particular game.


@Vulgard I’ve seen wolfy stuff from Kat and I’ve seen wolfy stuff from Whysper, but why exactly do you think this is not Kat trying to powerwolf and win the game like I was telling you yesterday–

Like, at this point I can see both worlds where it is W!Whysper and that’s the reason these wagons have just happened, why Eli didn’t self-pres and – I need to go re-check this – why Derps had started a wagon as a very passive player. Don’t remember if Whysper was being pushed or not.

But I can also definitely see W!Kat who miscuddled Marshal to buy time, and even wanted to nocuddle when it was CLEARLY not the best choice. I still believe that’s what his intentions were, to gain full thread control and push for a miscuddle. Seriously, that could even be the reason Leafia was killed: to put suspicion and paranoia on both of us, and he seemed to be quite adamant putting the wolf in one of us.


if i were a wolf trying to powerwolf, the game would have ended on D4 most likely

i say most likely because i don’t think i’m as good of a powerwolf as i am a deepwolf but maybe im selling myself short because RM4 happened

tbh aiming for a marshal misyeet there would be pretty fucking stupid if i were a wolf because he’s a lost wolf as V im pretty sure i know how to pocket him

and also marshal is like, a weird choice for an agenda based ML

you could say that i had valid points to push him, because i did, but it’s a lot harder to see things from a V perspective as a wolf so i’d just encourage you to backread my initial push on marshal and see if you think it’s a V or W motivated push

if you’re too lazy to do that, both gorta and vulgard were on board with it, and one of those is flipped V and the other you refuse to see as any alignment other than V, so


vulgard wasn’t lock V so it was the best choice from my pov

and then towards EoD i had a bit of a change of heart and a bit of “well nobody else is noyeeting and derps iso felt wolfy when i skimmed it just now and he’s also actively being pretty fucking wolfy”

i already said earlier as a wolf i’d probably target leafia last for a NK

obviously from your pov i could be a wolf lying

but i am not a wolf or lying

also mildly interesting how you’re doing the opposite of whysper here WRT your interpretation of the nightkill, where whysper only looked at it from a baseline perspective – you’re not even thinking about that :eyes:

no this is not me accusing you of being a wolf i find it funny

if you call this shade im calling you a banana

ping me when ur around appel i want to actually talk to you and timezones suck

why are all the fuckign AMERICANS dead WHO DID THIS

@katze Bleh, it was an afterthought based on how you were acting~ You banana

you responded to like a dozen statements with a response to one statement and didn’t specify which one it was

you’re the banana here

also im totally using the misery i feel being the only american alive as a reason i wouldn’t kill leafia i need people to talk to during the day not at 1am >:(