Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

…I think reads like this are nonsensical. It was obvious that the wolves would use something like town/lynch/scum/post/meta/wolf or any common FM word so that’s literally why most people were trying to side-step it.

…can you actually play the game right now?

Just talking about the bomb word without doing anything else is making you unreadable.

This is effectively where I’m at.







No solid “I so wanna murder this dude” SRs as of yet.


I literally have been playing the game? Can you fuck off for two seconds?

Seriously you were the guys talking about the bomb.

So I joined that conversation with even adding my own input and responding to your question.

But instead you ignored that response and my suspicions on Surge. You’re just using collective ignorance.


What did you mean by this post?

I was suspicious because the poetry was saying more words than needed as a “HaHa! I know the bomb word so I’ll say lots of stuff free” but actually, when I looked closer it was actually 1) Words they had said before or 2) words said before by someone else. So the poetry was just reckless/weird imo.

Before the bomb exploded, every word needed to be chosen with care. So by talking in verse, chili was taking a gamble… Or knew something we didn’t.

As I looked closer, I’m 90% the former


Do you have any reads?


Do something or die.

/Vote Wazza @Chloe @DatBird

I think it was mostly because he voted Marshall after he created a very long and tedious safe list. I don’t see whats scummy about that but yet Derps still voted. That just looked suspicious to me.

Yeah, in total, I think I’ve only played 1-3 games (including this one).

I’m trying to put in more effort in this game compared to my last ones but I’m kinda bsing my way through analyzes bc idrk what’s happening half the time.

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Oh, I see the vote Derps did on Marshall after he had posted a word list. Later Derps said it was because Marshall hadn’t put the word list in a summary. Okay, that just looks like Derps being an idiot. Haha. :grinning:

Yeah, half the time he either looks suspicious or he is just being dumb. Idrk his playing style very well so everything dumb he does looks suspicious to me.

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Analysing our ISO’s together.

I’ve done more than you, your ISO is filled with a lot more fluff than mine.

So, you don’t have a right to say that. And following your words.

“Do something or die.”

/vote Jane @Chloe @DatBird"

Yeah, I don’t really read much into his being dumb/silly yet. I guess I’ve come to expect that from him even as town.

No. Besides, that was aimed at Mole.

OMGUS it is, then.

‘That was aimed at Mole’
Proceeds to vote me. Funny logic

No because your vote is bullshit and unexplained as you just confessed then.

Is this meant to be Wazza?