Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Accused Voted by Votes
PKR Alice 1/9
Wazza Jane 1/9
Marshal Marshal, SirDerpsALot 2/9
SirDerpsALot Esquiddy 1/9
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/9
Surge Surge 1/9
EliThePsycho Insanity 1/9
Whysper Luxy 1/9
Jane Wazza 1/9
Not voting EliThePsycho, Whysper, an_gorta_pratai, Moleland, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan 6

Tell me if i goofed

Host is tired
Host go sleeb

Wow, looking at SFoL 61, Derps almost seems more townie as wolf than he is as actual town. By that I mean more serious and putting in effort. Haha. :slight_smile:

Once again.

Iā€™ve done more than you. You still have no right to say that, so Iā€™ll leave my vote on you, even if I donā€™t suspect you.

Reverse your pressure on me onto you.

Still not true.


Donā€™t let them deepwolf easy fix

Oh yeah also

/vote mole

I have questioned, pushed on and talked to players.

All youā€™ve been doing is placing votes to place pressure without actually placing pressure.

Mole is scum

No you havenā€™t? Iā€™ve done all of those. Iā€™m not pushing anyone rn because posting on phone is a pain.

I mean I like exclusively post on phone other than when Iā€™m doing an iso

While Iā€™ve not done as much as I want to (Iā€™m going to be more active in a few hours, been sorting out a room for the past 3) itā€™s still exactly what Iā€™ve said Iā€™ve done. Itā€™s not much, but the same is said for you.

ā€¦this isnā€™t LAMIST.

LAMIST is effectively a player repeatedly pointing out the villagery things theyā€™ve done for little to no reason, such as a wolf repeatedly pointing out that they pushed on a flipped wolf in order to emphasize their towncred.

Because wolves are always under pressure to make villagery posts since they have TMI, so in the end their posts tend to be stilted or tense. Trochi doesnā€™t shows these signs in her posts.

Before I said it as I donā€™t think W!Marshal would want to stop me from hyperposting, now I think heā€™s V from a mixture of the paranoia he has towards me slot and his Among Us read on Trochi and the mindmelding.

I thought Appelā€™s reads were kind of bad, but I donā€™t think a wolf would go after two of the strongest players on the game like this.

Seth is meta, Troch is from how carefree she has been. Marshal for a lot of reasons such as the mindmelding, the Among Us reads, and how heā€™s been handling my slot. Derps is odd here as he has been villagery in some ways but his lack of conviction behind his reads so far worries me. Gortaā€™s pretty much quite villagery from his accent thing. Like, he usually has a very lethargic game either alignment so I donā€™t think heā€™d alter his posting style this drastically just to fit in.

I thought he was V, but the lack of oomph on his reads concern me as he just voted Marshal and then really isnā€™t pushing anyone.

ā€¦Iā€™m starting to think Derps is V againā€¦


Also Iā€™m fairly uneasy on how Whysper has spent much of the game casting doubt and trying to negate other peoplesā€™ townreads rather than solve slots for herself tbh.

Iā€™m still fine with my vote being on PKR, tbh.

The fact that heā€™s not doing individual reads and is just trying to use the detonated word to ā€œsolveā€ means he can get got.

I donā€™t know why you didnā€™t have me as v lol

Your opinion is irrelevant

I donā€™t think Iv actually read any of pkrs posts

And I Probabaly wonā€™t