Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!


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ah, i have to dance around the curse
avoid it well, or face much worse
my couplets serve as fun for me
to rhyme like so fills all with glee


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PKR Alice 1/9
yall thought this was an explosion, but it was me



You are good with words, unlike me
But won’t that make it harder
To not get blown up

I request for strong members, or men who are easily identifiable alignment-wise attempt to circumvent the killpower, whereas “LHF” may attempt to die via killpower. If we do, today, circumvent the killpower for at least 24 (minutes x 60), I may construct a PoE of members who may try to killpower themselves.


For a sec I thought someone got day-doinked.


dat, my heart was pounding so
that the curse on me would blow
i do not wish a repeat again
so more twisted words i shall spin

Seriously speaking btw, I won’t hold myself back if I have something to say. But I’m gonna go sleep soon

In respect to doinks, I request the HS doinks the CW.

Yes, I bear stong reservations in regarding to trusting KP on our homesite, sue me.

if i have something to say
i shall make it plain as day
if you all request i sacrifice
myself to this, i’ll roll the dice
i wouldn’t be surprised in any way
as i’m one of the weakest here to play

…can you not day-doink yourself?

You are obvtown when you are V.

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You concluded something similar about Munchlax boi last round though

I, immediately, am constructing an undangerous catalog of previous locutions. As helpful as it is to killpower LHF, it becomes extremely +EV if we killpower PoE.

@Alice cease the immediate extreme writing level. If you are uninformed majority, we require you gravely. Lower it’s level.

Do you have an opinion on Trochi or nah?

Trochi is not the baguette man. Trochi is a novice while the baguette man has more experience in being a furry.


well, it’s not like i’ve had a red game yet
though i don’t think i could fool a vet
it was a question, that’s all it was
though i’ll go by what the majority does

Not at this juncture, just warning about inexpensive opinions

and, for the record, I do believe alice to be likelier uninformed majority, as opposed to informed minority. hence why I am anxious at her transcribing level. yes, I accounted for her experience in my early pondering.


/Vote Moleland @Chloe @DatBird