Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

me too
but I am not confident enough to not have him in PoE, therefore PoE with caveat that I don’t want to kill him today.

None really atm, I’ve read both of their isos and nothing jumps out at me

At the beginning of the game he felt comfortable in thread, i haven’t really re-evaled but he hasn’t posted anything in like 16 hours so I don’t think I can really do that with no new evidence.

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i skimmed thread
but it was an extremely light skim
640 posts is… not that much

btw i will not be here for EoD

Eli -

Whysper, Mole, Luxy - No read on them, nullreads.

Esquiddy - am going to hold off until after she answers questions and talks a bit more, sorry

You + Appel - Originally nullreads, re-evaled both of you to townleans

Ok so aside from Derps I don’t thin I have very many scum reads. This is bc I am not very good at picking up on actions that are considered scummy. I get a slightly scummy vibe from Trochilidea but I don’t have any info to back it up. I also don’t know how to feel about whisper. Part of me wants to townread them but I feel like they’re being to towny (idk what to call that). Like suspiciousouly innocent yk.

@Marshal btw ^ I forgot to hit reply but I’m too lazy to go find it again

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When it comes to my townreads Im pretty sure marshal is town and that’s literally the only confident townread I have bc I’m bad at paying attention

ty for that

i’m going to play fall guys and eat now.

I’m not really good at sorting PoEs, like to think I can / did create a good one, mmh we’ll see.

If anyone has questions @ me and i’ll answer them when I get back

my amazing poems are too much for you aren’t they
i’d love if you could go more in depth on this later though!

Sounds awfully defensive :eyes:

defensive, maybe- but she does have a point there. what use is meta reading someone who doesn’t even have a wolf game to go off of, isn’t that the whole point of meta?
also, meta reading someone who is new often doesn’t work well either as their meta still isn’t fully formed yet

Accused Voted by Votes
Wazza Jane 1/9
Marshal Marshal 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/9
Surge Surge 1/9
EliThePsycho Insanity 1/9
Whysper Luxy 1/9
Moleland SirDerpsAlot, Alice 2/9
Not voting EliThePsycho, Whysper, an_gorta_pratai, Moleland, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Wazza 7

Tell me if i goofed

/Vote Moleland @Chloe @DatBird

Accused Voted by Votes
Marshal Marshal 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/9
Surge Surge 1/9
EliThePsycho Insanity 1/9
Whysper Luxy 1/9
Moleland SirDerpsAlot, Alice, Jane 3/9
Not voting EliThePsycho, Whysper, an_gorta_pratai, Moleland, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Wazza 7

Tell me if i goofed, also thnx for pings, makes life easier

Oof I didn’t realize she/he was a newer player. I thought she/he was getting defensive over people meta reading her/him as a generally experienced player

Also, can I ask why a good portion of people are voting themselves? That’s kind of confusing me

Who’s a newer player?

Hmm… Thats an interesting mini mind meld.

Are you trying to say their w/w or smn?

I think I have enough to form some opinions. I’ll try posting them in a few hours.

Also @SirDerpsAlot think harder.