Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Spin me right around!

You know what, Iā€™ll look at the low posters to see if I can get an auto lock on em.

Explain! :grin:

This is good. Still not directly AI but it seems to be more from a Town Mindset then a Scum Mindset. Not sold on this being Town yet.

Do Em Goals!

Well yes thatā€™s the correct way to use meta.

as it turns out
i will be there for EoD
aight gotta go again

Iā€™d agree with this last statement lol.

Good Mindset.
Still not AI though.


Havenā€™t read him yet but I probably wonā€™t as Derps is Derps and his alignment is Derps.

I do like this post but itā€™s still not AI.

ā€¦these kind of reads usually suck as it doesnā€™t take in mind why or how a player did something and whatnot.

ā€¦what? Go more in-depth? Wolves can make natural interactions as well.



Yeah like Fruit?

I like this thought Process but I donā€™t see any tone tell yet. There not easy to find but when you find them you know Iā€™ll tell you that!

Another good Thought Process.

Lol. Most of Appelā€™s reads were about Alice. Not a good look for Alice IMO.

Alice is Alice as Derps is Derps.
They are the same but on the opposite Spectrum.
Derps is usually a SR and Alice is usually a TR regardless of alignment.

This is good. Yeah I like this for a TR. not 100% confident but I do like this slot.

In the potential probability of Marshal and Alice being Wolves together. Your doing a great job giving them something to go against.
Iā€™m usually afraid of situations like that as I want someone to be able to be on their level and I feel you can do that so I want to defend you and make sure you donā€™t get MLā€™ed.

Insanity and Gorta - NullTown
Appel - Slightly Above Town Lean into a Town Read

No, townies can disagree and be on different wavelengths.

I would say ā€œyeah do that, but also Wild West FM is a thingā€. It might be worthwhile to compare those two games though

sure, I plan to ISO them both

I notice patterns and read people based on tone

Anyway, when I get back from playing among us I plan to finish those goals

Feel like Gorta could be a potential ML here that could be set up by Scum!Alice if Alice is Scum this game.
So just like Appel Iā€™ll also be watching you Alice.

Literally none as that could just be a playstyle shift. Itā€™s just that Derps is the kind of player to just tunnel people on gut rather than try to reason like this and why I wanted more info before sorting him out of the nullzone.

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ā€¦how the fuck am I setting gorta to be a ML when Iā€™m townreading them?

Well I havenā€™t read much into you so I donā€™t know who your reading as Town or Scum.
But Iā€™m still going to be observing you missy.

I do like this post.
But ā€œAliceā€.

Alice gets no clears unless itā€™s a tone clear by myself.

GL with that BTW Alice.
Because I donā€™t be wrong on Tone Clears and it isnā€™t something you can just do intentionally.

And the villas who just gave up and self-voted, and the non-stop hero shooting, and theā€¦

Canā€™t disagree here.

Looks more to me that Whysperā€™s kind of trying to negate the early townreads by casting Esquiddy as a more experienced player that the look, tbh.

I loathe those posts, but unfortunately people here have been casting doubt on towncores a lot non-stop lately.

What settles my wolfread here is that the language that Whysper is using here as in ā€œI think it is excellent to question the mutual town-coring between Marshal and Aliceā€ makes it look like sheā€™s not trying to solve and more like sheā€™s trying to influence an agenda. Also she doesnā€™t really explain why this towncoring is bad.