Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Whysper. Maybe PKR or Insanity.

Thatā€™s a good point also I did make it before the EoD

Trochilidae with her care free poem post doesnā€™t exactly seems like what a S!Chili will act like at the start of the game.

Esquiddy is a newbie at here, and with his/her question about the game earns him/her a townlean in my mind.

Wazzaā€™s tone has improved, and I will go with my gut here - does not seems like S!Wazza.

Gorta is close toward my townlean, but not quite there, still need some few more observation about him, I do somewhat like his tone though.

Whysper is just a big question mark for me, I just didnā€™t really know her meta, and are not quite sure why everyone is reading her as scumā€¦so still null.

PKR is PKR, not quite sure what is going on with him, all he have posted doesnā€™t reallyā€¦contributes to anything.

Luxyā€¦uh, I guess I will see later. Still giving me a null vibe for me though, and I probably shouldā€™ve moved his place up a little bit.

Oi please donā€™t ;-;

I donā€™t see them, unless I interpreted them being rhetorical.


Iā€™m not making the readlist yet because I have no time left, but I want to say youā€™ve moved up in it. At this point your stubborness is somewhat >V, as annoying as it is to admit it, and I only started understanding your point when you talked about your read to someone else.
That being said, I still disagree with the read and Iā€™ll be back before EoD to discuss it.

Look at the ISO

Also Jane is being shot.

/unvote @Geyde @Chloe

Jane just doesnā€™t want to live at the start for some reason, and he just sounds care free, which isā€¦unlike the normal Jane to say.

Moleland is uh, yeah, no explanation, just let him self-resolve I suppose. (Probably are scum faking as HS to live though)

Eli is fluff machine, while providing little read, which is exactly what he have done at like SFoL 63, so I didnā€™t really like this slot.

My vote are still probably gonna be on Eli for now, and I canā€™t really be on before the EoDā€¦so this is sort of awkward.

ā€¦why is everyone staying on vanity wagons like this?

Cheese made one post and died

Combination of not noticing at the time and formulating opinions as time passed

I did for the readlist. Sheā€™s been pretty meh and uninspiring readlist. Wazza has semi convinced me heā€™s town but has tricked me twice before so I could be wrong there.

Jane would be pretty bullish if she knew the bomb word though

wait what, mole is hardclaiming HS?
alright then, everyone get off him yā€™all either janeā€™s dead or he is. skimming through what i missed in the night to see if whysper has posted more before i vote. also, good morning everyone!

all I know is that after I cased her I found her vote a bit scummy

Whyā€™s that?

I am still not 100% sure if I wanted to hop onto the Whysper wagons or not, and I am definitely not on before EoD.

So I am still keeping my vote on Eli for now.

/vote Eli

Placing my vote here since Mole clearly isnā€™t going to get lynched today (Lynching him would be stupid)

I doubt Eliā€™s getting lynched today, get off the wagon.

and who has she voted again? i canā€™t find a recent VC