Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Ur point

/vote marshal

I am gamer
kat is cringe
you all are nerds.

This isnae mispelling, tis scots slang .

Won’t count either.

I would not say the odds of this are high.
I was keeping quiet because I do not want to explode but eh, we need to discuss and work things out eventually.

why would the furries not cast their curse?
unless it’s to make us expect the worse
and use our paranoia against us here
if you think otherwise, i’d love to hear

you are immoral
if you know what i’m saying



Marshal probs V grr


That has never stopped me before

/vote marshal

Whit dae ye mean? does slang ‘n’ different dialects nae wirk 'ere?

if I die from gamer, nerds, or cringe, know that I, specifically, was targeted. remember.

My best guess for what V means is vanilla

I was originally worried for a word that makes me go boom.

But if I go boom, I go boom and then boom boom makes a boom boom.

V is uninformed majority


Voted Votee Votes
PKR Alice 1/9
Moleland Jane 1/9
Marshal Marshal, Derps 2/9
SirDerps Esquiddy 1/9
Troc Troc 1/9

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v is when someone flips green
after they die, their class is seen
as uninformed majority here
i hope this makes your query clear

If I die from nerd Marshal was probably targetted.

Are we just talking normally?

depends on the perspective