Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I’m also keeping my word wolves.
Only for Day 2 you get a free kill on me if you remember what the word was.

/vote EliThePsycho @Chloe @DatBird
for the love of god don’t quickhammer though we need this discussion time

trochi no
i don’t want to get quickhammered

can we have a vc?

which is why i’m forbidding quickhammering here, and i’ll be suspicious of anyone who does tbh

L-2 I believe.

Blast in order

Eli -> Whysper -> Trochi -> insanity post my death if it happens glgl

anyone on this list should try to get bomb on them

Oh disregard that then.

didn’t marshal also vote me at 4/7 votes


Accused Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
EliThePsycho Insanity, Wazza, SirDerpsAlot, Surge, Marshal, Trochi 6/9
Whysper Luxy, Moleland, Alice, an_gorta_pratai 4/9
Wazza Jane 1/9
Not voting EliThePsycho, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Whysper 4
1 Like

majority isn’t 7
inb4 i get scumread for this

lit lit lit time for even more gamer poems

The “gg cheese” still applies though.
The timing and way of the Post is bad by tone.

PKR can get got as well, tbfh.

I think Wazza’s probably a Seth-like villager from this EoD as well.

Eli is omegawolfy at this EoD tbh



I do think Eli has a chance to flip wolf, but I want Whysper to improve big time or die /vote Eli @Chloe @Geyde

im at L-2 now

majority isn’t even close to 7.

how tf am I even close to Seth levels of Villager.

I take offence to that and I’m allowed to take offence to that.

PKR i have no clue on I just think those 4 are actively more wolfy tahn him

he can try to be bombed too ig

I have to go now, so please don’t quickhammer