Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

like for example I Pre-Flip PK - Mafia and in that case Tro and Gorta could be their bussing buddies or at least one of em.

That is just my mindset in FoL 30 :eyes:



Again, I re-iterate. If youā€™re the actual HS, shoot Whysper, not Jane.

iā€™m not expecting anyone to solve the game by D1 iā€™d just like everyone to participate in the very least?

Troā€™s vote was overly cautious, gortaā€™s fine tbh.

iā€™m a cautious person in general tbh but i see your reasoning here

I mean I didnā€™t want to do much because I was big sad I rolled town and wanted to use that amazing word I had. But I decided I should try anyways and maybe Iā€™d get best Town award who knows.

Seth has the right idea. Donā€™t give me credit for wolf pelts. Read me via other ways. I could see Tro being partners with Eli though

Gorta went from Whysper to Eli to join into the wagon.
Pretty sure he was pro Whysper and wanting to keep Eli.

I encourage everyone not to listen to seth or take advice from him because this is not right

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I donā€™t know just the vibe I got from Gorta that he was trying to defend Eli but with no defence if you know what Iā€™m saying here.

i know iā€™ve said before i like to put a lot of thought into a vote as iā€™ve seen how awful snapvotes are in most scenarios.
although why is pre flipping bad if i can ask?

PSA Iā€™m picking up food atm but should be back after

Have you tried it?
Then you have no right to say this.

In my debut wolf game me and my partners were so antagonistic to each other that any flip would clear the others

If you pre-flip on reads (aka I townread x player and if x player is town y player is too, and if y player is town z player is probably mafia) if one of your reads are wrong it negatively effects the rest of them.


dont do it

Why bring this up?

I used to preflip a ton and got rightfully called out on being garbage lol

ah, like an awful domino effect
yeah i see why this is frowned upon, thank you

@Marshal it is right and Iā€™ve never been wrong.
Fite me! :muscle: