Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

i’m… not?

well yes i’m settled on it as well but that doesn’t mean all discussion has to stop now, does it?

Yeah, I’m telling you to hammer. :hammer:

I’m not at L-1.
I’m at L-2
nice try

/Vote Eli @DatBird

…you’re literally being useless this EoD.

Then hammer when you are at L-1

honestly thought i was hammered there
nice on ya marshal. :^)

/vote Eli

I’m not sure how I feel about them suddenly getting this much votes tbh.

@EliThePsycho why should you not be the lynch?

You are actually at L-3 technically.

:hammer: Thats Hammer!

Oh, right. Insanity unvoted.

oh christ he quickhammered himself
i suppose that’s that then

Give me a moment to tally up votes.


Shit I just woke up lol

Accused Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
EliThePsycho Wazza, Surge, Marshal, Trochi, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, Moleland, EliThePsycho 8/9
Whysper Luxy, Alice 2/9
Wazza Jane 1/9
Not voting Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Whysper, Insanity 4

The day continues
3m have been added to the clock
Day ends 2020-09-07T17:33:00Z

Lmao, nice try Eli.

I think Eli’s pretty much an openwolf at this point.