Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Final VC

Accused Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
EliThePsycho Wazza, Surge, Marshal, Trochi, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, Moleland, Insanity, EliThePsycho 9/9
Whysper Luxy, Alice 2/9
Wazza Jane 1/9
Not voting Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Whysper 3

EliThePsycho has been expelled by majority!

They wereā€¦


Your predecessors from before have managed to destroy Marlvard University last year and like them, you have failed your vocabulary test. Itā€™s always best to follow the experts.

You, along with the other planters, will discuss which word (It must contain four letters or more) you will use as a trigger on each night and Day 0. The first person to say the word will be killed in an explosion. You can also submit a night kill on each night.
You win when you reach parity with the Students.

Night 1 has begun and ends in 24 hours at 2020-09-08T16:40:00Z

Night can be skipped if every player votes to do so. (/skip night)


Actions are locked at 2020-09-08T16:25:00Z

Day will begin at normal time

The group of 15 students camped out the night in a giant tent they found on Cheeseā€™s person, the only thing left of him except for a bologna sandwich. He didnā€™t watch his mouth, but he did provide them a brief respite.

After Eli got expelled actively holding the ingredients for a bomb, the students were fearing their multiday trip into a demilitarized zone, that Marlvard thought was a good idea. They had to watch everything they said as Cloned showed them. They slept with these nightmares.

As they awoke they found two of their friends dead. One with bullet straight through them, and another stabbed. You realize the stabbed victim was @Moleland theā€¦

Honor Student

Youā€™re one of the top students that has attended Marlvard thanks to your countless hours of studying and support from your professors. Thatā€™s why you received a gun as a consolation prizeā€¦ Thatā€™s kind of weird, but youā€™re sure itā€™ll come in handy.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.

And the shot victim was @Jane the ā€¦


You might be a typical college looking for loans to pay, but you have the drive to take out the scum that are trying to destroy the campus once more.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.

You all ran out of your tents hurling up your previous dinners, and suddenly a school bus pulls up

Some crazy lady with orange hair yells ā€œGet onā€. You all rush on and the bus flys into the sky

Day starts in a flying school bus 3000 ft in the air, and will end in 48 hours or 2020-09-10T16:40:00Z or by majority or plurality. WATCH YOUR MOUTH


:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming::-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

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You are my PoE. Try to die via the KP.

first, goodmorning everyone!

and i hope you all slept well

and that another hired gun

did not disrupt you where you dwell

itā€™s been said iā€™m acting sus

(even though i donā€™t know how)

but if iā€™m causing such a fuss

iā€™ll take the risk and break the vow

if anyone here objects

just speak now or hold your peace

and iā€™ll risk the plantersā€™ hex

with a final, stunning piece

I feel dumb for pulling the stunt on yesterday, sorry guys .-.

And well, Mole still shotted Jane even though we telled him to shot Whysper .-.

We just lost our power roleā€¦
Well this is great, just the perfect start to the day honestly.
Now I will try and do some meta analysis.

/vote Marshal


rip jane

ree mole

if my death here helps the town
then iā€™ll do now as you ask
though is everyone here down
for this to be my final task?





Oh well, need to sleep for now, will be on in like 7 hours or so.

Imagine shooting the CW like I advised you in the previous day.

W/e. If I die to boomies, do NOT clear Wazza.

I checked his progression on Eli in the previous day and it reeked of a hardbus, especially with the PFs and his confidence there.

:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:

:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Alice, PoE has to die via KP. You are not PoE. Do not die!!!

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/vote PKR