Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Either Alice or Marshal is her partner.
Or Whysper is Town.

I mean I suppose PKR could be too. But eh.

/Vote Tro

I feel like thereā€™s a good chance Tro is PKā€™s buddy from the events of last EoD

Why do you TR Tro?

Vooooooottttttteeee couuuntttttt

Accused Voted By Votes
Whysper Luxy 1/7
Surge PKR 1/7
Wazza Insanity 1/7
Marshal Alice 1/7
Trochilidae Surge 1/7
Not voting Whysper, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, Esquiddy, Trochilidae, Appelsiini, Marshal 8

sulit the vc bot
votes against people not in game count as unvotes

Mainly because her tone seems carefree and I didnā€™t see anything wolfish.

The only time a red flag came up was when she and Alice voted for Moleland within minutes of each other. So I was wondering if possibly they were both wolves who discussed pushing on Moleland and that Troch accidentally voted too soon. But that seems way too careless. I think it was just coincidence based on Moleland saying something a little earlier. Other votes on Moleland came soon after as well I think.

can i ask you to clarify?
iā€™ve been hearing this for quite awhile
what makes you think i donā€™t want to die?
is it simply my tone or style?
or do you have more than simply this
iā€™d like to know what i could miss

Okay, apparently spew was not the word, but I still have a bit more to spewā€¦

I thought perhaps by spending a couple hours to write out the arguments against me and show how the reasoning makes no sense or requires big leaps, that someone reasonable would examine this. But no, I guess I was mistaken. Basically the loud voices have already forced me into perpetual PoE. It doesnā€™t matter that there were exaggerated arguments that were later refuted and then taken back. Or that my words were twisted into a fanciful story about me having an agenda to negate town reads left and right the whole time. The damage is done. If loud voices repeat something enough, it becomes truth.

You want to talk about improving townplay? Instead of just screaming at people to ā€œact like townā€, let people try to actually improve their townplay. Iā€™ve seen it over and over again that people are just shot down immediately with harsh criticisms when they attempt to do something. Itā€™s like the ā€œmastersā€ here expect masterful play or else. If you happen to say something that is a good read, you are simply said to be sheeping or following consensus. If you try to ask questions that you think are reasonable but that the ā€œmastersā€ view as worthless, then you are performing or wasting time. If you try to think outside the box and keep an open mind, you are labelled as scum with an agenda.

BTW, I donā€™t think all the master players act this way. Vulgard is someone I highly admire. And I think Appel could become a good town leader if given even half a chance instead of being shot down for her different approach.

Anyway, if you think of any other words for me to try saying, just ping me the first letter and the definition. I will probably be busy catching up with work the remainder of the day. Thanks.

Why ping me?

Oh wait thatā€™s Tro

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I thought that was Light lol.

who says both canā€™t be true?
oh, if only you knew
it matters little if we switch
our plan went off without a hitch
to cause mass confusion just for fun
weā€™re secretly two disguised as one

you canā€™t trick me.
Pretty sure I seen you in the same game as Light.

PKR or Tro I believe are good lynches for today.

Iā€™d agree with you that Appel is a top tier player but other players such as Alice shut them down.

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What is Troch doing

could i refer you to this quote
and ask the question here
iā€™ve seen you place your vote
but could you be more clear?
what exactly donā€™t you like
whatā€™s not up to par?
itā€™s all well and good to tell me to take a hike
but be specific please, what doesnā€™t meet the bar?

u can complain that the leaders are ā€œscreamingā€, but it does not make you townier. If you want to prove you are town, help solve who the wolves are and show us your thought process. That is the top way to do so.

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Itā€™s your EoD and how you reacted towards PK.

to be fair, iā€™m always cautious
even though iā€™m just a novice
i donā€™t like throwing votes around
it seems to me thatā€™s anti-town
so yes, i like to take my time
is being careful now a crime?
i found the reasons i needed
and i had not conceded
i voted PK, though it was slow
(this doesnā€™t clear me, i know)
my point here is, this is how i behave
iā€™ve done this always, and to the grave