Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

a tailored bomb, now that’s a thought
could be effective, and less likely caught
does anyone have personal words
or example so that the bomb’s the bird’s
headpats, cursed, joycrab, joycat?
just give me ideas, i’ll take the splat

hello ash.

Please stop trying to kill yourself.

I don’t think Iv read a single post from trochi

Can you do this but not plural

Actually wait, wtf

Chili what are you doing
You’re not in PoE

I’m thinking the same thing, it’s just annoying me now how much she wants to die.

@Trochilidae dude. Stop it. If you blow up on purpose when we very clearly have enough words (Probably over 1,500) to follow.

yes they are.

they’re in everyone’s PoE who isn’t you.

I just don’t like the poem feel they have lol


literally just a different structure

my guy, ignore the splits. List 1 is.

Marshal - 1
Surge - 2
Gorta - 3
Appel - 4
Alice - 5
Wazza - 6
Derps - 7
Luxy - 8
Esquid - 9
Troch - 10
PKR - 11
Whysper - 12
Insanity - 13

List 2 is

Marshal - 1
Surge - 2
Gorta - 3
Appel - 4
Alice - 5
Luxy - 6
Derps - 7
You - 8
Chili - 9
Esquid - 10
PKR - 11
Insanity - 12
Whysper - 13

top 5 are the exact same

bottom 5 only switches chili and esquid

and the only diff in middle 3 is that I swapped you and luxy


Also why’s whysper scumread I remember thinking they were towny D1

Actually, can we have PoE… instead of killing themselves off before we do… make themselves more V?
Has the T-word been said yet

hnggg fine
everyone has been wanting me to blow up all day so i figured i could at least have some fun with it you know? and yes appel, i’m in the PoE and i’ll say headpat if i need to.
wazza of course i’d rather not blow up and die this early but when i’ve been told to deliberately do so can you blame me?

That’s…not my point. You can’t just change the structure and then act like it’s different

Either way, I don’t care. Can you answer my questions?

These ones to be specific:

  • Why is Gorta so high?
  • Why is Luxy so high?
  • Why is Derps in the middle?
  • Why do you scumread ESquid?
  • Why do you scumread PKR?
  • Why do you scumread Insanity?
  • Why do you scumread Whysper?

and yes, i’ve said town, villager, villagery, etc all in the name of trying to blow up

if I told you to put your hand in a fire, would you?

Where do you expect me to be/have me

@Wazza has exploded!

A bomb was hidden in this post

They were…


You might be a typical college looking for loans to pay, but you have the drive to take out the scum that are trying to destroy the campus once more.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.


Chili, I’m telling you not to do so. Please don’t kill yourself, clear yourself instead. Have a headpat.
