Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!


It’s foe you own good.

My brain is cooked

But I hadn’t read Wazza’s death anyway so

I mean, the bomb for wolves to use it is EV-.

We’re just using it to clear the PoE and if it doesn’t explode then we’ll think that the bomb is still there and the conversation for the whole day will be stifled.


Alice, Self vote and AtE.

Seth if you provide reasoning we can have a serious discussion but

Thunderdome Whysepr RIGHT NOW!!! Or you are LockScum.

is not going
convince me

I’m fairly thankful that I’ve been taking anger management.

i was questioning this as i’d read it as alice forgot the bomb exploded, which i definitely see was wrong lmao

I’m at work RN maybe when I get home I can go through the giant ISO.

Honestly, you except ISO diving to be simple and it’s not.


tell me why you posted this

be honest, it’s important, I don’t care if you don’t want to say it, say it


Because I frankly don’t want the bomb to continue as it kills the thread unless someone blows up.

I’m uneasy about my PoE and I want to keep sorting people out but everyone panicking about the bomb just shuts it down.

Plus, it’ll never get rid of wolves as wolves know the bomb word.

I think believe you

I really want to

that’s why I asked and the way you phrased it was villagery

would w!alice fake a post saying it’s theoretically better for wolves to use the bomb just to get towncred later for faking the post to make it look like she wanted wolves to not use the bomb?

probably she could
but man i dunno

I want the villas in Esq/PKR/Whysp/Insanity/Trochi to start being more villagery, tbh. But with this entire “LET ME POST THE DICTIONARY SO I’M OFF THE POE” shit isn’t working. We’re at the same spot we were earlier d2 with no progress in the thread state.

…can y’all start posting again? We’re 2 hours off from EoD.

PKR/Esq have basically been useless, tbh.

Would go PKR>Esq being that PKR just keeps posting excuses why he hasn’t made any analysis while Esq’s first inquiry into SDA felt kind of villagery.

apologies, i’m trying to multitask in class and it’s a bit difficult. also, i’m sorry if my…enthusiasm regarding the bomb didn’t help matters and clogged the thread.
i should be on for EoD though? should is the key word here

I am about to pass out ask me anything