Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I’m distracted so I’m not really fully paying attention

I forgot to take my adhd meds so I also have no impulse control

SDA is always horrendous and I don’t really? think he flips wolf

I like a lot of what he’s saying still
but he’s derps

i’m not really watning to yeet him this EoD

Derps is just town. THIS… IS… TOWN… DERPS…

The worry is if people continue to read Derps in this way, Derps will always live and the game with hinge on whether that slot is somehow town or actually scum just continuing to DERP about

I think PKR’s contrarianism is a good look, tbh.

I have a serious soul read on Derps and @Appelsiini read my scum game in ToS2 overnight

I dont I think you are a nerd and i think insanity is a wolf

(if PKR last second voteswitches to whysper just like think or smn ree)

Derps is just lazy at times in my opinion. He can put the effort in and has, but often times doesn’t



member of the mafia
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

:joy_cat: :joy_cat:




:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

I hate this post

At times

Boy you are kind

Anyway EoD is coming up and I am not sure on what will happen, I think a town flip incoming

from my limited experience the last time SDA had a really weird EoD he was town, but take this with a grain of salt tbh

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: TOWN :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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Latest VC Flip in one sec

Insanity was yeeted from the magic school bus they were…


You might be a typical college looking for loans to pay, but you have the drive to take out the scum that are trying to destroy the campus once more.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.

Day ends and Night begins and will last for 24 hours or 2020-09-11T16:45:00Z unless unanimously skipped


Actions are locked!

The magic schoolboys lands in the middle of the desert. Mrs. Frizzle looks pissed. Not only did one of you explode. The rest of you threw one of you out mid flight. And while you were all sleeping @ChopChop was found dead he was a


You might be a typical college looking for loans to pay, but you have the drive to take out the scum that are trying to destroy the campus once more.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.

Luckily for the rest of yall he wrote something in blood on the school bus interior 11037. You all are confused but theres a second message Watch Your Mouth!

Mrs. Frizzle kicks ya out of the bus and points in a direction saying. “10 miles that way is a town. This is far as I take you. I have to go into one of my students brain.” The bus zooms out of there, but comes back shortly to drop the body of surge as she screams, “And take him with you, this is a children’s show!” Before zooming out again

The day begins when thread opens and you are in the middle of nowhere and this day will last 48 hours or 2020-09-13T16:45:00Z or until majority or plurality hits.

Have fun and Watch ur mouth

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