Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Scum Whysper has a pretty good partner if she deliberately didn’t kill Alice, which is a stronger player. I don’t think a scum whysper with newer partners does this. If Whysper flips wolf she is getting bussed and someone better at this game/has been around awhile is her partner.

because I think it’s funny

that’s literally it

are you serious




I haven’t actually had a town game in a while
so, no, look for it yourself

I use joycats
so much


it is my top used emoji everywhere

calling joycats a tell is like saying someone is town for breating. It is literally a subconscious function of mine to post :joy_cat:. I am :joy_cat:.

you are assuming specifically that alice was kept alive to frame alice herself

there are a lot of reasons that the nightkill could happen, not just to make alice look bad, and so this argument is inherently based off of unsteady and heavily assumed information and I won’t engage with it

Who kills Seth of all people over someone like you or Alice? Seth was only townread for tone and doing mostly anti town things. Seth is generally useless in most cases (no offense) and generally left alive

I am saying that I think there’s likely something deliberate about it. I don’t know what that could quite be, but it gives me a bad vibe after our last wolf game together and this isn’t the primary reason I suspect you. I primarily suspect you for how you handled Alice today.

I am serious, I don’t remember you using joycats as much when town. Maybe someone can back you up, but I honestly don’t remember.

seth is never misyeetable because he was locktown

his reads might have been accurate but like he wasn’t a misyeet

its lol because it’s seth but it could come from a range of people and reading this much in to it is bound to be flawed

what is bad about how I handled alice? I had paranoia on her and made a plan to sheep her confident reads if she flipped as that is the best way to get a wolf

this is literally laughable

go look yourself, YOU have the burden of proof to prove I don’t do it as town, i’m the defendant here.

your read on me is bad and wrong, the nightkill reasoning is over-read in to and is just a machine for confirmation bias and if you don’t want to look at my town games to see if your beautiful and amazing meta tells are actually correct.


look somewhere else or come back with even semi-sensible reason

ik i’m being harsh but this is so far off and with such l1 reasoning that I can’t help but rip in to it

provided you are villa i can help you see where you went wrong once the game is over and i’ve flipped town

because atm I think you are too tunneled to take my words to heart and not just think it’s wolf deflecting your accurate case

God this is such terrible play

Examine the Surge NK closely. If I was wolf, why in the world would I choose him? He was so clearly on my side and called me obvious town, so I would need to keep him around. Someone might see it as a way to frame Alice, but that’s such a huge risk. Leaving alive 3 towncore just to take the chance that 2 would turn against Alice? Why not just kill Alice directly and keep around Surge? That would have been the better bet.

No, the NK only makes sense if you look at exactly how it was calculated to happen. Marshal pushed right away on Alice.

And then proceeds to set up a pre-flip to kill me after Alice flips V.

Marshal knew how she would react to this. He knew she was getting frustrated with me escaping the lynch. The accusation against her was calculated to enrage her so that she’d just start yelling and get herself killed by the bomb. Even if she didn’t trigger the word, the idea would have been to get her ML’d. No matter whether the bomb killed her or she was ML’d, the suspicion goes right back to me for the next ML.

And again, as calculated, Marshal was hoping to push for a quickhammer in the midst of the confusion. He wants to avoid letting people talk this through and make sense of it.

So please everyone, think this through. Don’t let Marshal get away with this.

Yeah Marshal probably bad


I think you are a wolf!!!

I assume ur joking but if you are not can you elaborate

@Marshal if my potential read is bad then I am so sorry, but I am trying to solve by finding patterns. I am fine with following Alice’s last words, but where do we go if Whyspser flips town or wolf?


we game after it

I don’t have a specific plan for flips really

finding patterns = meta = really just not a reliable way of reading

regardless of alignment if often ends up cherry picked and riddled with confirmation bias

it only really works on people like seth or italy who are insanely obvious between alignments

Whys Wall

As you are all aware, I have been someone who has decided to stay back and relax in this game, but today, since we are not far off losing is when I am deciding to come forth and lead us as much as I can.

I will explain today why Whysper is innocent despite being an easy ML bait target.

The first post or posts if they are not long after each other are things that players seem to always think
about. The entrance post is absolutely relaxed. Whys seems to know some of what has happened by does not try to solidify herself as any focal point whereas I would expect scum to want at least some level of presence.

This is the most questionable post in my opinion because Whys is just going along with Marshal which is not bad in itself but she uses it as a way to claim which really erks me. Although it is obvious scum would only claim regular student, unless they were overtly gutsy and about to die, it does reduce the pool for the honour student and I think scum would have thought this through beforehand as it could be taken as scummy. TWTBAW esque post.

The fact that Whys posts something like this instead of trying to attach any indication of whether Derps is acting one way or the other seems really good to me. At this point Whys basically is following my exact thought process of being town due to scum likely having it together and being able to stop these types of sus posts. Not to mention that her reads almost contradict what she was saying earlier. As she liked Appel for considering Alice and Marshal Wolf worlds and then has both in town core which seems… weirdly inconsistent from where their mind was before.

The only world from this that I can see W!Whys is with an inactive wolf partner or an inexperienced one.

This is honestly the best post by Whysper imo. It really is not much on its own, but it was followed up (Albeit in a horrendous manner) in a way which I think T!Whys would follow. Case A, B and C follow up are really good, but were spoiled by the inclusion of a lot of self meta which is why I say it is horrendous, however, she at least explains some thought process too.

Not long after it is followed by a reads list which actually highlights their views during the “Cases” that she had made before. I wish that she had actually explained the read on me some more or revisited it more recently but I think it is reasonable from a town perspective

She has had a weird tone today but I do not think that W!Whys goes for risky things like a scum team read on Alice and Marsh which is followed up by Alice flipping town and the rest is history with Whys changing a bit since

Not all the time, as everyone has tells. Even stronger players have tells. It’s just harder to find tells in better players. Hell, I have tells that are AI. We do these habits/tells/mannerisms subconsciously. I will continue to research your potential tells, but this argument is counter productive.

I suspected you for the above reasons, but I think you have some wolf equity for a few reasons.

  1. Your jokes about being mafia:
    This is one of my weaker reasons, but I don’t like them and they very much remind me of tos2399 marshal.

  2. You are still alive:
    This reason is also semi weak, but I would think a T!Marshal with good reads would be killed by now.

  3. The night kill last night:
    Seth is a very strange night kill over people like you and Alice. He had no influence in the thread, he was only TR for being Seth, and his reads are a hit or miss. It just doesn’t make sense that Seth would be the night kill over someone like Alice or you. I do think Seth’s death was deliberate. Think about it
    kill Seth (2 vs 8)
    someone goes boom on the bomb (2 vs 7)
    we mislynch Alice (2 vs 6)
    someone dies overnight (2 v 5)
    someone dies on the bomb again (2 v 4)
    and this is where it differs on Whypsers alignment
    (if wolf) we lynch Whsyper on Alice’s request (1 v 4)
    (if town) same thing as above (2 v 3)
    then they just have to night kill and bomb in either scenario

  4. The way you handled Alice:
    Alice was very suspicious after Seth died, but you should always give people a trial. You started this day voting Alice and encouraging others to quick hammer Alice. This is something I expect from Derps or Seth not you. You gave very little reasoning other than Alice is alive = lockwolf and even set up to lynch Whysper the next day. I feel like T!Marshal is a bit more careful and evaluates things more before going “let’s lynch X”.

I don’t think any of the lower skilled players could pull off a play like this without some coaching and you would have that experience, so this is why I think you have some major wolf equity and could be a wolf

Ohhh that is a good point

It really does make no sense that Marshall is still alive. If I were scum, even as a new scum, I would have wanted him taken care of by now. The only reason I can think of that scum would keep him alive is either his reads are way off or he’s literally a wolf.

The thread is pretty much dead, I’ll probably finish stuff and then do a readlist.
Let’s get this started, shall we?

Threads is dead AF

NGL we should probabaly just hammer here