Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

What if you typed everything backwards

  1. that would be near impossible to read
  2. I donā€™t think so

ton yllaer

It would be so impossible to read, in fact, that it would hurt more than just getting bombed

communicate with emojis only

then weā€™re just playing Pet

hasnā€™t yet but seth is prob gonna blow it up with how careless he is
idk if he uses wolf tho

If Ici was in game
heā€™d die instantly

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I wanna play a picture only turbo now

didnā€™t we already do one of those

:butter: :wolf: :exclamation:




you literally typed : wolf :

utbay atwhay aboutyay isthay

but itā€™s emojis

you still die


still die
you wrote wolf

you donā€™t die

do you know what pig latin is

Donā€™t care
Doesnā€™t matter