Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

rerand time


we suck at our job we just

had to

fucking read

HHHAHAH GOD :sob: holy moly

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do i fucking rerand, or just let it slide. As that would have killed honor student


would have killed honor student


id rerand to be honest

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Probably rerand, only 10 min in

if they were both vt then dont matter but it was town pr so :joy_cat:

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Next time donā€™t explode immediately and double check.


yeah i posted the trochi post before you bombed

is that the fastest rereand on this site

its sad because i read

trochā€™s post


didnā€™t catch the word


i didnt either

2 people did :joy_cat:

you mean 3?

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dude i swear making poems in a game where u supposed to say few words is gamer

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if i played i would have made letter cutouts for each my posts

it wouldnā€™t be effective but itā€™d be funny

i wouldve just said gamer words such as

hors dā€™oeuvres

