Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec



We told PKR to post. He said he would we got 1 post. We replacing

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who replaced out?


Frankly mods should be showing no mercy to this shit tbh.

Letting a slot not post until mid d3 harms the game way too much. I frankly prefer before we had the ruling where people would just replace out when they couldnā€™t/didnā€™t want to play the game anymore while now these people just take up slots so they donā€™t get hit with a sign-up ban.

Wolves getting 1-2 free MLs because of this tilts game balance way too much towards scum, and frankly itā€™s one of the reasons why I believe wolves have such a high win rate on this site.

They both wanted to play the game, but werenā€™t

I donā€™t think they would have replaced out on their own tbh - even without the ruling

Yes, I get that back then we had a lot of people replacing, but at least it was better than the status quo where you get inactive slots for much of the game alongside villagers who want to die to get out of the game.

Shrug, I think we should just do what I said in my class card.

Require 20+ game-related posts by the EoD or get replaced out immediately.

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PKR hit 20 (and they were on-topic) - so he wouldnā€™t have been replaced out yesterday. By the 20-post rule he shouldnā€™t be replaced out rn either but Iā€™ve had enough of him being barely active enough so Iā€™m using wotm

Equid should have been replaced out at EoD, and I admit my fault on that. I didnā€™t read the content of the posts, just the postcount bc i was sidetracked with other things. They were posting only to hit the requirement, and the posts had no substance

I agree with you. But its something that needs to be discussed, since Iā€™m only 1/3 of the modteam.

Iā€™m pretty sure ā€˜20 on-topic posts with some sort of contentā€™ is already standard albeit sometimes with a 1-day delay

itā€™s just that most hosts are very lenient with what qualifies as ā€˜contentā€™ (I know I am :wowee:)

shes saying dont give prods/warnings

which i agree with

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its only shitty when there are like

0 backups available

WotM is probably the best thing to use here, tbh. If a person is just posting to hit the cap, yeah.

The 1-day delay thing is fairly bad. Like if you donā€™t have enough time for 20 posts in 48 hours then you really shouldnā€™t be playing.

Or give warnings 50%-80% into the day.

Letting an inactive slot stay until EoD2 isā€¦ very harmful to the game.


Lately weā€™ve been having more backups than needed, so this isnā€™t that much of an issue.

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Marshal yes

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i noticed right off the bat that pkr wasnt posting today (and his activity was dwindling from SoD2 on), so i gave a prod

but we got 1 post out of him after the prod

so i decided fuck it
