Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

Marshal was just trying to stay in control tbh. That’s why I was fine with betraying since I knew I he wouldn’t mindlessly kill me for the first one since it could help him

inb4 eevee swoops in and takes the slot

well it’s getting 17 yes votes I’ll tell you that

eh he hasnt posted in like 8 days, so imma assume hes busy

bold of y’all to assume i don’t have 30 more hella obvious alts hanging around :sunglasses:

i am dybu dabu


unlike last time where he just signed up for two games

marshal is the literal reason i have trust issues and you all act like i’m some kinda traitor
cuts deep

i’m just dybudabu alt

wait how is Marshal untrustworthy. Marshal is most trustworthy misc player

ure my alt?

nah then alice would have been in this game twice

when did i betray u

I trust that Marshal will only play for his wincon and nothing else

ooooooooh boy lmao

marshal will betray you without a second thought if he feels it suits his needs better

app i dont know if i asked ya, were u gonna betray me in vldr 2 before i replaced out

I play to win

I dont play to make people happy unless that means I win

I go as far as I deem morally right to win

you have betrayed me more times than italy has betrayed germany