Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

Problem is when a player’s response to getting put in the PoE is just self-voting and asking to be lynched, you can’t really get them out of the PoE by any other way.

I have a bad habit of giving up as town when pushed hard on

ack yeah i know this wasn’t aimed at me specifically probably but i know i didn’t react the best to getting PoE’d this game

What I was thinking before I became a cohost.
“Sure town probably loses, though it probably will be a good game”.
After D2.
Bruh the town is killing themselves.

I have a bad habit of assuming that if people are incorrectly scumreading me it’s because they’re bad at the game


I have a problem with… feeling like I’m obvious town when I’m town
Like in my mind I treat myself like an IC
Which skews my view of people when they scumread me

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mountainous 15er
“lmao town are practically destroying theirselves do we even need to influence them”
town pulls itself together and wolves die
short fuse 5
“lmao town are practically destroying theirselves we don’t even need to influence them”
town ends up losing day 1 because they’re a big meme
wild west fm
“town are destroying theirselves”
that’s literally it
town destroys itself

we’ve come a long way

Errr… can I have a link to this game?

Town had a good PoE. The problem is that you had people who instead of talking about their reads just shot on gut.

Mixture of villas being impossible to clear and people not re-evaluating the nulls.

a thing I was thinking about recently is–

most people on this site are not actually that good at wolfing

I really feel like we should be able to win as town

and yet this does not result in town wins

i’m a decent wolf
or i was

People here suck more when it comes to villaging, tho.

Idk bro

Most decent wolves post like at least 5 times a day


remember tolfm where i doubled your posts even though we both endgamed?

I think the main issue is that people here suck at re-evaluating, me partially included.

If you keep just killing villagers then you shouldn’t just keep on burning through the PoE.

you should probably learn a thing or two from that game

I don’t remember what I ate for dinner yesterday

i’m not very confident i could re-eval
i’d be biased from my initial reads

this feels like a typo