Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

they understood it



I’m not familiar with the cipher but it wasn’t hard to figure out given that I had a bunch of reference words

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i considered using this in airlock but realized nobody would understand me

Do you all think that the PR is gonna get yeeted?

wagonomics 100

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Dw, in case someone is gonna complain about vanity wagons, I’ll post this (except without the not voting and image part).

meh theyre gonna make the honor student claim aren’t they

I mean at least they’ll (hopefully) do that and take their shot

Honor Student being outed D1 isn’t awful

they’re only a 1-shot and after taking that shot they’re basically just a named townie

For some reason I thought honor student was full vig.

Same astand

Oh the honor student got outed? Hey has anyone had to use their mobile to login today ?

did the honor student get outted? I don’t think the honor student got outted.

Mole hasn’t claimed yet, no.

But many people want him out today, it seems.

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I mean if the honor student got yeeted today. Town deserved to lose.

if anyone feels an unexplainable urge to do votecounts while dat and i are asleep
i wont stop you

Just sleep post vote counts 4Head.

Will they lynch town PR D1?

i’d never let them live it down if they did

I won’t be surprised if they do.

Oh no, I’m seeing D1 SFOL63 Whysper. plz stop sheeping and then giving reasons.

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