Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

reddit gold


holy shit i love you

im stealing it tmrw when someone explodes bc that made me laugh a lot

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you have an explosive personality !

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no flavor
eli got executed instead of expelled
that’s intense

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sulit i really hate you so much like i both hate you personally and i hate women so its basically buy 1 get 1 free except i dont buy anything but hatred for you

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shit thats not good for the schools image :^()

dude the flavor started as a group of students at school

and it evolved to a group of students having a field-trip through a demilitarized zone

we’re hardcore around here

we sending them to Chernobyl next, to prevent it from Chernobyl 2.0

Ill try not to blow it ):

seatbelts everyone

ok tomorrow is magic schoolbus flavor


fuck the magical school bus

I’m conFUSED


that’s how you find your house in shambles and a bus waiting for you outside


i want to fuck the magical school bus

why you gotta do puns when im half asleep. i wanna do puns with you

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wait no ᛋᛏᚩᛈ

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Night 1 - Butter

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petition to change name during game