Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

mole is the better kill target since if two people die tonight then mole is by simple terms an IC

neither of them have brought up mole once

wait what happens if the votes to kill are split?

rand rand rand


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oh that isnt in OP huh

yeah its rand

imma add that ty

wait you mean kill like

nvm - not adding that

me trying to upload a meme
discourse having a size limit of four fucking megabytes and denying anything above one

upload to Discord link to the image

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Appel probably gonna have to carry scum. SDA is okayish spot, but he gets lunched before endgame most likely

i feel like appel is going to wake up right when derps goes to sleep

its going to be an endless cycle of never communicating with eachother


Imagine those two talking to each other at the same time LUL.

that’s what happens when your teammate has a 50% chance to not exist

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if only Eli survive, only if Eli survived

So it’s only a matter of town finding Derps and Appel.
Alice should be able to sniff Appel out if she is alive D2.

wolves have no actions in yet

havent discussed anything


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if no one submits a kill does it get randed or does no one die

nobody dies

but i just gave them a pingus to remind them how much time is left in night

its on them

dat can overrule this tho ^

just my understanding as chloe the co-host

no one dies in my book, u had 24 hours it aint my fault for ur sloppy play

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