Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

I think you have now passed the point where you can stop playing mafia

she said roast not murder

and that

is the biggest sad thing of them all

ayayaya this is what we’re talking about i tried to do better than WW and i did worse ahaha…oops

trochi u found 0 scum i think u should stop playing mafia and go back to like town of salem where u can cop check someone n1 or something

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but that applies to all of us
we have surrendered our souls
there is only forum mafia now

thank u this is what i meant love u conroy

ok but i dont

i’m quitting mafia until the end of 2020 at least unless there are like important / event games I want to join

it’s okay nobody does



why is ‘expulsion’ such a weirdass word

i was gunna put

voted vboted by votes
No expulsion awjawdjaw 1/69

but it looks weird

marshal sees mu turbo:

i have
i tried
i failed

36/18 17er

No expelliarmus

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oh yeah I am still doing turboes

if you’re in too deep to quit forum mafia just abort to miscs

Trochi: 2 games

is obvious town 2/2 times newbie style

Anyone else on this forum: 67 games

is not obvious town


atp i just host