Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

someone can still just, like, 400post in only :joy_cat: BOXED IN SPEECH LIKE THIS :joy_cat:

:joy_cat:IT WOULD NOT BE :joy_cat:EASY :joy_cat: TO IMPERSONATE FOR MOST PEOPLE OR :joy_cat:s

u can also use it to ml town

one just ran on MU and I semi-followed

wolves jumped n1 and 2 people in a row got ML’d for sounding like that person when they were not in fact that person

people would be sus if someone suddenly dropped their capitalization

bro if ure a wolf in that setup the sole tihng ure supposed to focus on is sound like the person who had that slot before

i post only in poems so good bad that no one can replicate them: the Sequel

Just Type Like This And Nobody Will Be Able To Jump You

that physically hurt to type

I can only jump sulit

I Can Do It Too It’s Not That Hard To Imitate

i jump light and just post memes
gg scum win no re

you will subconsciously refuse to

I’m Fucking Dedicated Don’t You Dare Underestimate Me

and yet you dropped the ALL CAPS in vldr

Wasn’t On Purpose, I Just Normally Type In All Caps Depending On Context In Order To Convey My Own Feelings

vldr was gamer is there gonna be another one of those?

still makes you a quitter

TrustworthyLiberal is hosting one

on the misc queue iirc

I’m Not A Quitter It’s Just How I Normally Act

one that doesn’t involve the most overpowered ability ever maybe

even if marshal was lame vldr was gamer
oooh hell yeah!