Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

Oh hey it looks like I’ll be fast asleep when the game starts :sunglasses: .

I have soulreads on Chili
They’re a boss
They will win :sunglasses:

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We shall see once the game starts.

Who do y’all think will explode d1

datbird under stress and fear that they might end up accidentally repeating a mistake

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He cant make the mistake if i make it first

Press F in chat

F in chat.

Prediction: Someone gonna blow up in their first post


The trigger word isnt that common early on, I feel like

Plus most people will probably replace wolf with “w”

We’ll see

town always loses this

town looser

no one bothers to genuinely try to read Derps so he always lasts a while as wolf

i really want a wolf to explode

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not impossible tbh

I wouldn’t be surprised

games back up and running, i will check with yall before any bomb kills

I’m kinda-sorta watchinv for the bomb rn :+1:

Might be a good idea to do a “something has happened” post immediately or smth


Also trochi layin down some sick lines like,

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Also using thou/thee (not safe) instead of you is :eyes:

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100% chance the word was vote

trigger “vote” is not allowed, along with player names (+nicknames?)

the word is wolf