Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

okay but were you trying to be taken seriously


what is derps strategy, like his post are just like bad

but you must admit
he has skill

oh hi alice
please roast me btw iā€™m trying to improve but i just got stuck in pity-poeming

the most important thing to improving is the will to do so

the only thing i can really say on your play, is something that a lot of town here did (You, PKR, Seth, Wazza, etc), trying to clear urself on the bomb is 1 not very AI and can be done as both allignments especially scum as they know the word to avoid, 2 it doesnt help others read ur slot as you usually get stuck focused on the bomb than the other players 3 if people played to like solve allignments and if they blew up they blew up there would be a lot more content to the game. I think accepting thereā€™s a chance that you would blow up with each post but trying to move the game forward is the lesson of the game. Lets not focus on mechanics and shape our world by them, but instead try and move game forward with solving and AI talk. If u blow up you saved others from doing so.


alright yeah i was thinking along those lines but having it put in writing surprisingly helps thank you

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nobody can figure this out
in mylo/lylo vanillas sleeping is NEVER pointless
even clear players become PoE and if they die thatā€™s a person you donā€™t need to re eval

no worries any time, i have a hard time improving by myself so asking others has helped me a lot, so i like to share what little wisdom i have

I was wondering how could I improve my wolfgame

you seem quite wise in FM matters to me for what itā€™s worth lol

Depends on wether i read a wolf game of yours to help ya

I guess you forgot FoL30 was a thing

is that even a valid one to go off of? we got mechfucked

I didnt really read to much of it

Tro, the problem was that this game is so unreasonably difficult, which is why I didnā€™t /in.

Everyone is talking weirdly to avoid bomb, which makes it harder to read people and interactions.

basically haha what if i wanted to play FM but bombs go brrrrr

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Like i could read through it maybe, but thats a lot of posts. Is there anything u felt u did wrong in that game?

DatBird was correct, too, anyone can just ā€œtryā€ and go for bomb. You either die, or you avoid it, and if you avoid it? You can still be a wolf because you knew the word beforehand, and if youā€™re deadā€¦ weā€™ll, youā€™re dead.