Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec


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when u put the correct answer but it still counts you wrong

that really do be a gamer moment

why is there 400 new messages

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ikr i was not expecting that

I was in a 4h/20h game on MU.

what in tarnation

Is it actually strategically better to no elim in Mylo? I know MU meta is to do it but we always elim in Mylo on PerC.

Yep, as the most clear villa will be killed to reduce deepwolf paranoia.


ā€œok I really have to get off spec chat and do my homeworkā€

just switches to this chat instead and keeps procrastinating


Plus, if they donā€™t die itā€™s a sign they should be re-evalā€™d.

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because i arrived and everyone knows i am incapable of shutting up

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Maybe I should suggest that next Mylo on PerC then.

unless you have mechanical reasons to not do that you should basically always no-elim in MyLo, it forces the wolves to nightkill someone which means that village has a better chance of getting the answer right even if you elim literally at random


in mountainous games, even if sparked by death of all PRs, there is literally no reason to ever not nolynch in mylo
the only clear players in vanilla mylo/lylo are the dead ones

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Hereā€™s an idea
How about we collectively decide to stop playing FM for a while
Doesnā€™t have to be more than a month

I think people need a break from this rigor


this part is so the body seems clear

Letā€™s say, theoretically, that town sucks
Letā€™s also propose that people feel stressed out by FM
Hypothetically, by making a break, people have time to consider their schedules and join games at their own pace

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And letā€™s say you donā€™t agree with this
Then perish


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just pause all games for like 2 weeks
force us to play Among Us and rage there

Thatā€™s impossible, Iā€™m too addicted to stop playing FM for more than two seconds.