Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec


no we have to consider the worst move town can make and they will do it

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The worst move is muscuddling Katze or Whysper

Tomorrow is MuLo

Do people think this thread will inspire people to say CuLo and MuLo?

what is that

Cuddle-or-lose and miscuddle-and-lose

hmmm i see

Why donā€™t people ever skip night?

Maybe we should use YeLo for yeet or lose.

I know I need a break from the game at night when Iā€™m playing.

No, CuLo is required

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I think Iā€™ll switch to using DefenestrateLo.

It looks like a mod already made me TL2

yote or lose

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Actually quite a few townies have voted to skip night during this game

Its mostly scum who havenā€™t
(Which is perfectly fine)

Unrelated to the game, how do you quote a specific part of a thread from a different thread?

Doesnā€™t skipping night just make kills happen earlier? Why in the world would scum not skip night?

You can compose a reply and move around the forums freely (to other threads), and still send the reply where you originally opened the text box

Or you can quote a post, copy it, open a text box in the thread you want to reply in, and paste the quote

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Because they want time to think over who they will kill / what the bomb word should be
As well as discussing strategies for the day ahead

Or they just want a break from the game for 24h lol