Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

I think I tend to think Vul is basically an FM god because he has a basically perfect read on me unless he’s scum apparently (which, like, I’m not hard to read, but Vul’s immediately identified me as a wolf even in games where I wasn’t obvious ten minutes in)

also because I’ve had a lot of positive experiences with him, both in game and, like, as person, and that makes me biased :upside_down_face:

being an obvious villager takes being a bad wolf :^)

seth and vul are kinda on opposite sides of the spectrum

I’m not saying its a bad thing
It’s just that you are decidedly a proponent in his ‘mystique’

Vulgod Vulgod


you can figure out how most people read you and abuse that fact :^)

i learned how sulit trs me so now i will abuse that fact

I know how to read you
Don’t use gimmicks to read someone
It’s a fucking horrible idea

i dont use gimmicks i think

i can abuse the people who read me with gimmicky stuff though :stuck_out_tongue:

this is something I do a lot for sure

abuse how people look at your posts to get ez trs

im a quick learner so i am going to abuse the fact sulit trs me just from talking to her

Kick sulit from this chat so that they will never know

okay yeah ngl i did sheep vulgard incredibly hard in WW, dude just has the Vibe

ah fuck she will read all of this

now i can just gamer this fucking fact by finding HER alignment by how she reads me from now on

if there’s one player you should sheep
it’s town derps if they are close to getting exe’d on d2

how do i know if it’s town derps? still can’t read the guy for shit even if i was coming along before i died

because he’s getting exe’d on D2 :^)

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it’s a good point lmao
he did kinda nail the whole scumteam

Do you even know what alignment he is when you join informed spec chat?

well i was in the game but i died so i did t know to begin with, it was revealed to me after i was TrochiliDead