Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

More material to cover than the average high school course

Can I get credits for understanding how ToL works

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1000000 points Extra Credit for both of us for knowing the ToL mechanics.

Game is extremely inactive right now.

Also @ datbird,

Amazing titleā€“had be grinning for like a solid minute

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If I was host, Iā€™d probably just declare mafia win at this point. Everyone has given up.

and youd be a terrible mod for it

expect the unexpected let them have a chance

i said town would lose i am psychic

Youā€™re the old psychic from ToL, now what have the dead told you?

i am the gorax psychic i speak for the dead
the dead say fuck town

RIP ToL psychic

Oh katze

Imagine calling the most obvious villager a wolf.

chloe i found your doppelganger

this is gonna make me cry
appelā€™s wagonomics have been awful

if votes are locked can we just call it a game when kat+vul vote ye ok thanksi wanna play mafia too

Yep, mafia win

votes arenā€™t locked in MyLo, only LyLo

i mean i knew town was gonna lose
but it still makes me sad