Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

just do that every game, it saves time.

Let me use some logic a ToL player would use: Katā€™s slot was mafia in the first roll, so Kat is locktown

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I just jokingly used the gamblerā€™s fallacy argument in a turbo.

I have a reputation for randing wolf a lot so I had to be town that game since I was due for it!

Kat had a 102% chance of being town this game.

@discobot fortune

Will town finally win for once?

whysper if you ever see this i love you

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Why isnā€™t this working?

This is gonna be short-lived, but I want post-game credit: Kat is gonna die, and Appel cuddled making this a gg.

I would never have thought town could pull this off! They might actually win!

Other peopleā€™s thoughts?

i am far too pessimistic for that
okay tinfoiling here though whysper dies and that makes kat suspicious enough to vote vulgard with appel?

If this happens my brain will fall out of my head.

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Kat is playing like @SirDerpsAlot as a wolf in NewD3. This is quite concerning.

donā€™t worry mine already has!

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May I not suffer your pain though?

you will soon enough
or as soon as derps starts bringing up the holy name of jesus



Whatā€™s up

covid has gone too far when you start playing minesweeper for fun
iā€™m reaching levels of nerd that shouldnā€™t be possible


Wait youā€™re telling there are higher levels of nerd? LUL