Wazza G! Turbo - Game Over (The Psychopathic, Cowardly, Pale Kings, Anniversairy and the Knight win!)

What did they do?

Need good faction to lose


Psycho the Psychopathic King

Squid the Cowardly King

Eevee the Lich King

Firekitten the Knight

GamerPoke the Anniversairy.

Is the good faction defeated?

They had the right to remain silent, and still got hung for it

yep, that would do it

By the way, you know Gamerpoke?

PALE king.


Who killed me? I was going to turn psycho into CW.

Lich King super busted


But the maths and the pings

overdramatic cry and fall to the floor

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FK which Knight are you?

But I just assumed itā€™s night abilityā€¦

Gamerpoke couldnā€™t pick their own wincon due to joining the forums on the 28th January 2018 not the 27th January 2018 or earlier.

Psycho rolled Psycho king

I finally understand the class lol

isnt knight bd? how did fk win with us? or is it a different knight

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Math wanna play?

who wouldā€™ve guessed